Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #9 in Stockholm, Sweden


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 30 sights
Distance 12.1 km
Ascend 255 m
Descend 245 m

Experience Stockholm in Sweden in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Activities in StockholmIndividual Sights in Stockholm

Sight 1: Mås

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Seagull is a bronze sculpture that stands on a granite plinth at Banérgatan on Gärdet in Stockholm, outside the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration and the Military Archives.

Wikipedia: Mås (skulptur) (SV)

589 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 2: Husmoderssemester

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Housewives' Vacation may refer to:Housewife's Vacation, Opportunity for Elaborate Housewives to Rest in Vacation Home, 1946–1979 Husmorsferie (sculpture), a sculpture in Stockholm

Wikipedia: Husmoderssemester (SV)

449 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 3: Karlaplan

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Karlaplan is an open park-plaza area in Östermalm in central Stockholm, Sweden.

Wikipedia: Karlaplan (EN)

174 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 4: Maxim

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Maximteatern, called "Maxim" in English or The Maxim Theatre, has been a popular private theatre at Karlaplan in central Stockholm, Sweden since the 1960s.

Wikipedia: Maximteatern (EN), Website

995 meters / 12 minutes

Sight 5: Humlegården

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Humlegården is a major park in the district of Östermalm in Stockholm, Sweden. The park borders on Karlavägen in the north, Sturegatan in the east, Humlegårdsgatan in the south and Engelbrektsgatan in the west. It is the location of the Swedish Royal Library.

Wikipedia: Humlegården (EN)

37 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 6: Linnémonumentet

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The Linnaeus Monument is a group of statues in Humlegården in central Stockholm, depicting Carl von Linnaeus. It was executed by Frithiof Kjellberg and unveiled in 1885. Around the monument, the Linnaeus plantation was laid out with 21,000 plants.

Wikipedia: Linnémonumentet (SV)

128 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 7: Farfadern

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The Grandfather is a sculpture of a seated elderly man with a boy on his lap, executed in plaster by Per Hasselberg in 1885–86.

Wikipedia: Farfadern (SV)

83 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 8: National Library of Sweden

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National Library of Sweden Kungliga biblioteket (Designed by Lars Laurentii) / CC BY-SA 2.5

The National Library of Sweden is Sweden's national library. It collects and preserves all domestic printed and audio-visual materials in Swedish, as well as content with Swedish association published abroad. Being a research library, it also has major collections of literature in other languages.

Wikipedia: National Library of Sweden (EN), Website, Heritage Website

312 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 9: Höken och duvan

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The Hawk and the Dove is a fountain sculpture by Torsten Fridh. The bronze sculpture was placed on a high granite pillar in front of the Daneliuska house at Stureplan in Stockholm in 1990.

Wikipedia: Höken och duvan (SV)

589 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 10: Konserthuset

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The Stockholm Concert Hall is the main hall for orchestral music in Stockholm, Sweden.

Wikipedia: Stockholm Concert Hall (EN), Website

83 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 11: Orpheusgruppen

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The Orpheus Group is a fountain sculpture made in 1926-1936 by Carl Milles and cast at Herman Bergman Art Foundry. It stands in front of the Concert Hall on Hötorget in Stockholm. Orpheus is the one who has been allowed to represent the art of music and the lyre in Greek mythology.

Wikipedia: Orfeusgruppen (SV)

367 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 12: Centralbadsparken

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Centralbadsparken is one of Stockholm's smallest parks and is located inside the Islandet block on Norrmalm in Stockholm. The block is bounded by Drottninggatan, Adolf Fredriks Kyrkogata, Holländargatan and Olof Palmes gata.

Wikipedia: Centralbadsparken (SV)

182 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 13: Citykyrkan

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Citykyrkan is a Pentecostal congregation at Adolf Fredriks kyrkogata 10 in Stockholm, a few blocks from Hötorget. The congregation was founded in 1936 as Östermalms Fria Församling. It was for a time affiliated with the Philadelphia Church. The building, which the congregation purchased in 1940, is an old entertainment venue formerly known as the Phoenix Palace.

Wikipedia: Citykyrkan, Stockholm (SV)

386 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 14: Strindbergs Intima Teater

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Strindberg's Intimate Theater, is a theatre stage in Stockholm, Sweden.

Wikipedia: Strindberg's Intimate Theater (EN), Website

120 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 15: Norra Bantorget

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Norra Bantorget

Norra Bantorget is an area in central Stockholm, named after the location where the first Stockholm North Station was built. It is the traditional Social Democratic grounds of the Swedish capital. It is the location of the LO headquarters, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation.

Wikipedia: Norra Bantorget (EN)

41 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 16: Brantingmonumentet

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The Branting Monument is a monument in Stockholm, Sweden, with a statue of the Swedish Social Democratic leader Hjalmar Branting. The monument is 5 meters tall and 6 meters wide.

Wikipedia: The Branting Monument (EN)

46 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 17: Anna Sterkys minne

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Anna Sterky's Memory is a sculpture on Norra Bantorget in Stockholm. The double-sided bronze relief in memory of Anna Sterky was erected in 1988 and was made by sculptor Christina Rundqvist Andersson.

Wikipedia: Anna Sterkys minne (SV)

246 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 18: Oscarsteatern

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Oscarsteatern, also known simply as Oscars, is one of Stockholm's private theatres and is the best-known musical theatre in Sweden. It is located at Kungsgatan 63 in central Stockholm.

Wikipedia: Oscarsteatern (EN), Website

529 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 19: Kungsbroplan

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Kungsbroplan is an open space in Stockholm that connects Kungsgatan with Kungsbron on the Kungsholm side. The site consists of a one-way traffic route between the two lanes of Kungsbron. Here, Kungsholmen's part of Kungsgatan meets Kungsgatan and Fleminggatan.

Wikipedia: Kungsbroplan, Stockholm (SV)

436 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 20: Kungsklippan

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Kungsklippan is a street and residential area on Kungsholmen in Stockholm.

Wikipedia: Kungsklippan (SV)

275 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 21: Piperska trädgården

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Piperska Muren is an ore farm built on Kungsholmen in Stockholm during the 1600s and in 1694 purchased for 9,000 daler copper coins by the courtier Count Carl Piper. His wife Christina Piper had a high wall of Roslag sandstone built in 1702, which popularly came to be known as the Piper Wall. The property has been owned since 1807 by the Stockholm Lodge of the Order of Coldinu. The Svea Order and a number of other societies also have their offices here. In addition to the organisers' own gatherings, the premises are now used for conference and banquet hall activities.

Wikipedia: Piperska murens trädgård (SV)

712 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 22: Kronobergsparken

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Kronobergsparken is a park on Kungsholmen in central Stockholm. It is located between Polhemsgatan, Bergsgatan, Kruunuvuorenkatu and Parkgatan. The park is one of Stockholm's mountain parks that was established according to Albert Lindhagen's master plan from 1866. There were two alternatives to the design of the park, one with a round shape and one with an oval basic shape.

Wikipedia: Kronobergsparken (SV)

1060 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 23: Holmiaparken

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Holmiaparken is a park on Drottningholmsvägen next to Lindhagensplan in Kristineberg on Kungsholmen in Stockholm. In 2010, Mayor Regina Kevius named the park Holmiapuisto after the residential area of Holmia, which was demolished in the late 1960s.

Wikipedia: Holmiaparken (SV)

593 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 24: Rålambshovsparken

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Rålambshovsparken is a park in the Marieberg district on the island of Kungsholmen in Stockholm, Sweden.

Wikipedia: Rålambshovsparken (EN)

658 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 25: Pontonjärparken

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Pontonjärparken Photo by EsquiloMemorial stone by Oscar Franzén / CC BY-SA 3.0

Pontonjärparken is a park in central Kungsholmen in Stockholm, whose name can be derived from the Pontonjärbataljonen (Pontoon Battalion), which was stationed in the area from 1856 to 1922.

Wikipedia: Pontonjärparken (SV)

432 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 26: Kungsholms baptistkyrka

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Kungsholm Baptist Church is the church building for Kungsholm's Baptist congregation. The church is located at Bergsgatan 59, south of Kronobergsparken, on Kungsholmen in central Stockholm. The parish belongs to the Uniting Church.

Wikipedia: Kungsholms baptistkyrka (SV)

480 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 27: Rådhusparken

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Rådhusparken is located on Kungsholmen in Stockholm, between the City Hall and the Police Station. Where the park is now, there used to be parts of the Piper Garden. The current park, which was established in connection with the construction of the Town Hall in 1915, is framed by a stone wall. The park is laid out in a strict style with straight paths, hedges and plantings that resemble medieval monastery gardens. The park has several valuable trees, including a red-flowered horse chestnut. At the northern walls of the town hall is the fountain Justitiabrunnen.

Wikipedia: Rådhusparken, Stockholm (SV)

146 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 28: Justitia

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Justitiabrunnen is a fountain sculpture in the City Hall Park outside Stockholm City Hall on Kungsholmen in Stockholm.

Wikipedia: Justitiabrunnen (SV)

1158 meters / 14 minutes

Sight 29: August Strindberg

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August Strindberg

Carl Johan Eldh was a Swedish artist and sculptor.

Wikipedia: Carl Eldh (EN)

793 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 30: St. John's Church

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St. John's Church is a church located in the Norrmalm district of Stockholm, Sweden. It was designed by Carl Möller in the Gothic Revival style and completed in 1890.

Wikipedia: St. John's Church, Stockholm (EN), Heritage Website


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