11 Activities in Dushanbe, Tajikistan (with Map and Images)


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11 results
Price 1,773.15$
Languages German, Korean, English
Duration Unknown
Reviews 5/5 stars, 2 ratings
Cancellation Free cancellation

From Dushanbe to Wakhan corridor and back
Many people know more about the surface of the moon more than about Tajikistan, a small jewel of a country perched between Afghanistan and China. Foreigners rarely visited it, except with the...
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Viator: Pamir Highway

* Show activity on map
Price 2,600$
Languages German, Russian, English, Farsi, French
Duration Unknown
Reviews 5/5 stars, 6 ratings
Cancellation Free cancellation

Pamir Highway
The Pamir Highway is one of the world’s greatest road trips. The Pamir Highway. It’s a name that vibrates strongly in the belly of anyone with a taste for adventure. The high desert of the Pamir...
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Price 1,800$
Languages German, Russian, English, Chinese Simplified, Farsi, French
Duration Unknown
Reviews 5/5 stars, 7 ratings
Cancellation Free cancellation

Tajikistan & Kyrgyzstan cultural tour along Pamir Highway
Highlights: • Museum of Antiquities – rich with wonderful collection of Buddhist art from the lost cities of ancient Kushan empire, the Greco-Bactrian periods’ with biggest in the world statue of...
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Price 1,090$
Languages Russian, English
Duration Unknown
Reviews 5/5 stars, 1 ratings

8-Day Private Adventure in Pamir Highway
What you will experience here will take you back to another century when people lived in a very different way unlike so many you hear about. This trip is sure to be a true adventure of your...
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Price 180$
Languages Russian, English, Farsi
Duration Unknown
Reviews 5/5 stars, 2 ratings
Cancellation Free cancellation

Weekend Camping in Hidden Gorge of Fann Mountains
Join us for an adventure filled with stunning landscapes, fun company and the magic of the Fann Mountains and turquoise Alaudin lakes! Energize your weekend with our hiking experience. Cultivating...
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Viator: 5 Day in Dushanbe

* Show activity on map
Price 1,100$
Languages Russian, English
Duration Unknown
Cancellation Free cancellation

5 Day in Dushanbe
The capital of Tajikistan, a city of republican significance, the largest scientific, cultural, political, economic, industrial, and administrative center of the country. The highest state...
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Price 950$
Languages Russian, English
Duration Unknown
Cancellation Free cancellation

Fann Mountains, trekking, 10 days
In the northwestern corner of Tajikistan, along the border with Uzbekistan, lay the rugged and beautiful Fann Mountains, a branch of the Western Pamir-Alay Range. They divide the northern...
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Price 1,030$
Languages English
Duration Unknown
Cancellation Free cancellation

Eastern Legends II, 8 days
Fabulosity of the East contains in its fairy possessions, which for thousands of years have lived in souls of peoples of the whole world and which have real parentage; however until now — even in...
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Price 690$
Languages Russian, English
Duration Unknown
Cancellation Free cancellation

Great Silk Road in Tajikistan: Eastern, 7 days
There are three branches of the Great Silk Road along Tajikistan: 1) North / Sogdian stretches between Samarkand (Uzbekistan) and Kashgar (China); 2) West–East / Karotegin stretches between Termez...
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Price 820$
Languages Russian, English
Duration Unknown

Great Silk Road in Tajikistan: Northern, 4 days
Lengthways of Tajikistan permeate three branches of the Great Silk Way: 1) Northern – Sugd’s that draw between Samarqand (Uzbekistan) and Kashgar (China); 2) Eastern-Western - Karategin’s that...
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Freetour: Dushanbe Walking Tour

* Show activity on map
Price 48.73$
Languages Russian, English
Duration 5h 30min

Dushanbe Walking Tour
Meeting Point: Sadriddin Aini Opera and Ballet Theatre Description: Begin your journey at the Opera and Ballet Theatre Square, a cultural hub founded in Dushanbe in 1936, named in honor of...
Book on Freetour*


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