18 Sights in Curitiba, Brazil (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Curitiba, Brazil! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Curitiba. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in CuritibaActivities in Curitiba

1. Jardim Botânico

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The Jardim Botânico de Curitiba, in Portuguese, or the Botanical Garden of Curitiba, in English, also known as the "Jardim Botânico Fanchette Rischbieter", is a park located in the city of Curitiba - the capital of the state of Paraná, and the biggest city in southern Brazil. It is the major tourist attraction and landmark of the city, and it houses part of the campus of the Federal University of Paraná. The international identification code is CURIT.

Wikipedia: Botanical Garden of Curitiba (EN)

2. Teatro Guaíra

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Teatro Guaíra

The Teatro Guaíra Cultural Centre is a state-run cultural institution located in Curitiba, Paraná. It was built in 1945 at Santos Andrade Square. The theater has about 3,000 seats in three different auditoria, and is one of the largest concert halls in Latin America.

Wikipedia: Teatro Guaíra (EN)

3. Wire Opera House

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The Ópera de Arame, in Portuguese, or the Wire Opera, in English, is a theatre house located in the city of Curitiba, the capital of the state of Paraná, in southern Brazil. It is one of the major tourist attractions of the city. The opera house has a capacity of 2,400 spectators.

Wikipedia: Wire Opera House (EN)

4. P-47D Thunderbolt

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P-47D Thunderbolt Tim Felce / CC BY-SA 2.0

The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt is a World War II-era fighter aircraft produced by the American company Republic Aviation from 1941 through 1945. It was a successful high-altitude fighter, and it also served as the foremost American fighter-bomber in the ground-attack role. Its primary armament was eight .50-caliber machine guns, and it could carry 5-inch rockets or a bomb load of 2,500 lb (1,100 kg). When fully loaded, the P-47 weighed up to 8 tons, making it one of the heaviest fighters of the war.

Wikipedia: Republic P-47 Thunderbolt (EN)

5. Castelo do Batel

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The Batel Castle is a palace located in the neighborhood of Batel, in the city of Curitiba, capital of the Brazilian state of Paraná. It currently functions as an event center. Built in 1924 by coffee grower and honorary consul of the Netherlands Luiz Guimarães, it was bought by Moysés Lupion, former governor of Paraná, in 1947, the year in which it was listed by the Historical Heritage; It had other uses until it was appointed as a suitable location for an event center in 2003.

Wikipedia: Castelo do Batel (PT), Website

6. Zoológico de Curitiba

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Zoológico de Curitiba Marcus Bezerra / CC BY-SA 2.5

The Curitiba Zoo is a zoo located in the city of Curitiba, capital of the Brazilian state of Paraná. It is located within the Iguaçu Regional Park, the largest urban park in the country, with 8 million square meters and considered an ecological sanctuary for many species. The Park is crossed by the Iguaçu River, which forms flooded fields and riparian forests on its banks, as well as natural forests.

Wikipedia: Jardim Zoológico de Curitiba (PT), Website

7. Memorial Ucraniano

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Memorial Ucraniano fotografo Jean Servais Henri Colemonts / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Ukrainian Memorial is a tourist attraction located in Tingüi Park, in Curitiba, Paraná, and was erected in honor of the Ukrainian immigrants who came to this region of Brazil in the nineteenth century.

Wikipedia: Memorial Ucraniano (PT)

8. Museu da Vida

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Museu da Vida Foto de minha autoria. / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Museum of Life was created in January 2014 by the Children's Pastoral with the objective of disseminating information and reflections related to health, nutrition, education and citizenship through exhibitions and educational actions. Like the Children's Pastoral itself, it has in pregnancy and children up to six years of age. Another objective of the Museum of Life is to preserve the memory of the mission of its founder, Dr. Zilda Arns.

Wikipedia: Museu da Vida (Curitiba) (PT)

9. Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná

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Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná

The Museum of Contemporary Art of Paraná (MAC/PR) is an entity maintained by the government of Paraná, which has in its collection paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings and other types of works by several Brazilian artists, especially artists from Paraná.

Wikipedia: Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná (PT)

10. Igreja da Ordem

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The Church of the Third Order of St. Francis of the Wounds, known as the Church of the Order, is the oldest Catholic temple in the Brazilian municipality of Curitiba, capital of the state of Paraná. It is located on Mateus Leme Street, in Largo da Ordem, in the Historic Center of the city.

Wikipedia: Igreja da Ordem Terceira de São Francisco das Chagas (PT)

11. Igreja do Rosário

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The Church of the Rosary - Sanctuary of Souls is a Roman Catholic temple in Brazil. Built in Baroque style, it is located in Largo da Ordem, in front of Garibaldi Square, in the Historic Center of Curitiba, the administrative capital of the state of Paraná.

Wikipedia: Igreja do Rosário (Curitiba) (PT)

12. Museu de Arte Sacra de Curitiba

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The Museum of Sacred Art of the Archdiocese of Curitiba (MASAC) is an institution of the Archdiocese of Curitiba dedicated to the conservation of pieces related to the history of the Catholic Church in the capital of Paraná.

Wikipedia: Museu de Arte Sacra da Arquidiocese de Curitiba (PT)

13. Teatro Positivo

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Teatro Positivo Ricardo Pipo / CC BY-SA 2.0

Teatro Positivo is a theater with capacity for 2400 people installed in the city of Curitiba in Paraná, within the campus of Universidade Positivo. It is considered to be the largest theater installed in this state.

Wikipedia: Teatro Positivo (PT)

14. Curitiba Railway Museum

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Curitiba Railway Museum DesconhecidoUnknown author / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Curitiba Railway Museum was installed in the old Curitiba Railway Station, inaugurated in 1885, and which was part of the Curitiba-Paranaguá Railway until 1972, when the Curitiba Railway Station was inaugurated. In addition to the collection, consisting of 600 historical railway pieces, such as a locomotive from the early twentieth century, it uses part of the station's facilities, such as the ticket offices. In addition, the Museum tells the story of the construction of the Paranaguá-Curitiba railway. The museum is attached to Shopping Estação, where the Expresso Estação and the Regina Vogue Theater are also located.

Wikipedia: Museu Ferroviário de Curitiba (PT)

15. Câmara Municipal de Curitiba

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The Rio Branco Palace, formerly the Congress Palace, is an architectural monument in the Brazilian city of Curitiba, capital of the state of Paraná, in which the headquarters of the City Council operates, being one of the most important historical buildings in the capital of Paraná.

Wikipedia: Palácio Rio Branco (Curitiba) (PT)

16. Relógio das Flores

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The Curitiba Flower Clock is located in Garibaldi Square, in the historic sector of the capital of the Brazilian state of Paraná. The attraction was a gift offered to the municipality by the Rosenmann family, in the figure of former federal deputy Max Rosenmann, in 1972. From 1978 on, the flowers in the bed began to be replaced every quarter, obeying the flowering seasons.

Wikipedia: Relógio das Flores (Curitiba) (PT)

17. Museu Egípcio e Rosa Cruz

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The Egyptian and Rosicrucian Museum is an institution attached to the Grand Lodge of the Portuguese language, maintained by the Rosicrucian Order – AMORC. The museum is located in the Bacacheri neighborhood in Curitiba, Paraná. It has a collection consisting mainly of replicas of Egyptian pieces belonging to several different periods, including the Tothmea mummy, donated to the museum in 1987.

Wikipedia: Museu Egípcio e Rosa Cruz (PT)

18. Museu Metropolitano de Arte

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The Municipal Museum of Art of Curitiba (MuMA) was inaugurated on May 5, 1988, from the collection of works of art and popular art donated to the city by the artist Poty Lazzarotto, and was called Centro Cultural Portão. Years later, its name was changed to the Municipal Museum of Art. It is located in the cultural gate complex on Av. Argentine Republic, in the Porta neighborhood. Among the works on display in the museum are works by artists Pancetti, Picasso, Guignard, Di Cavalcanti, Portinari and others.

Wikipedia: Museu Metropolitano de Arte de Curitiba (PT)


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