13 Sights in Qingdao, China (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Qingdao, China! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Qingdao. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Qingdao

1. Zhanqiao pier

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Zhanqiao pier is located at the southern shore of Qingdao, China, off Zhongshan Road. This now 440-meter-long (1,443.6 ft) pier, constructed in 1891, was Qingdao's first wharf. The octagonal Hunian pavilion was constructed at the end of the pier in 1930, and features as the logo of Tsingtao Brewery.

Wikipedia: Zhanqiao Pier (EN)

2. Saint-Michael's Cathedral

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Saint-Michael's Cathedral

St. Michael's Cathedral, also called the Zhejiang Road Catholic Church, is a Catholic church in Qingdao (Tsingtao), Shandong Province, China, and is the seat of the bishop of the Diocese of Qingdao (Tsingtao). It is located in the oldest part of Qingdao, at 15 Zhejiang Road, on the east side of Zhongshan Road in Shinan District. Built by German missionaries, the cathedral stands at the top of a hill in the center of the old German-built part of the city. It is the largest example of Romanesque Revival architecture in the province, resembling a German cathedral of the 12th century.

Wikipedia: St. Michael's Cathedral, Qingdao (EN)

3. 青岛奥林匹克帆船中心

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The Qingdao International Sailing Centre is a sailing marina located on the former site of the Beihai Shipyard by Qingdao's Fushan Bay at Shandong Province in China. It was constructed for the 2008 Summer Olympics. It hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Sailing competitions. Wind conditions vary greatly from very light winds to +15 knots. During the Olympic competitions, fog was also an occasional factor.

Wikipedia: Qingdao International Sailing Centre (EN)

4. Qingdao Post & Telecommunications Museum

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The Royal Post Office of Jiaoao, or the post office of Jiaozhou, Germany, and the post office of the German Empire in Qingdao, is a postal agency leased by the German Jiaoao, and its former site is located at No. 5 Anhui Road (including No. 3A, No. 21 Guangxi Road), Guangxi Road, Anhui Road and Juxian Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, People's Republic of China, and was built in 1900-1901. Since then, the building has been used by postal communication agencies for a long time, so it has the common name of "Guangxi Road Post Office" and "Guangxi Road Post and Telecommunications Bureau". The building is now the old site of the Shandong Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit "German Yanzhou Post Bureau", and the Qingdao Posts and Telecommunications Museum has been opened in the building.

Wikipedia: 胶澳皇家邮政局 (ZH)

5. 天后宫

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Qingdao Tianhou Temple (Qingdao Folk Museum) is located at No. 19, Taiping Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China, founded in the third year of Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty (1467), the existing building complex is a brick and wood structure of the Ming and Qing dynasties, which is the earliest and only ancient building in Qingdao urban area that has been preserved to this day.

Wikipedia: 青岛天后宫 (ZH)

6. Former German prison Museum

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Qingdao European Prison, also known as Qingdao German Prison, is located at No. 25, Changzhou Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, People's Republic of China, on the east side of Qingdao Tianhou Temple, built before August 1900, and put into use in November of that year, its history as a prison (detention center) continued until 1995, and is the earliest preserved colonial prison in China.

Wikipedia: 青岛欧人监狱 (ZH)

7. Former lodging house of Hotel Prinz Heinrich

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Former lodging house of Hotel Prinz Heinrich Schulze, Henry / CC BY-SA 3.0 de

Prince Heinrich Hotel (German: ), also translated as Prince Henry's Hotel and Prince Henry's Hotel, is a hotel in Qingdao during the German lease period, located in Taiping Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China, was founded in 1899, named after Prince Heinrich of Prussia, then commander of the East Asian Detachment of the German Navy, and has built three buildings: hotel, concert hall and hotel department, which is the first large hotel in Qingdao. After the Japanese occupation of Qingdao, it was changed to a part of the Japanese-funded Qingdao Hotel, and after the Anti-Japanese War, the buildings were gradually changed to office buildings of political and military organs, and the old site of the hotel department was restored to the purpose of the hotel after the reform and opening up, and the old site of the hotel and the concert hall was demolished in 1998.

Wikipedia: 海因里希亲王饭店 (ZH)

8. Former site of German Imperial Observatory

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The Qingdao Observatory is located on the summit of Guanxiang Mountain in the Shinan District of Qingdao, China. The existing building complex was originally built in 1905. Qingdao Observatory was once an important scientific research institute in Qingdao, and also played an important role in the development of modern meteorology and marine science in China. Together with Shanghai Xujiahui Observatory and Hong Kong Observatory, they once were known as the "Three Observatory in the Far East". Qingdao Observatory has been listed as "Meteorology Observation Dome" amongst the "Top Ten Scenic Spots in Qingdao". Its building complex now belongs to the North Sea Fleet of the PLA Navy and the Zijinshan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is part of the Qingdao German Building Complex, a national key cultural relics conservation site.

Wikipedia: Qingdao Observatory (EN)

9. Little Qingdao Lighthouse

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Little Qingdao Lighthouse is located in the People's Republic of China Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Shinan District, Jiaozhou Bay in the east side of Qingdao Bay on the small Qingdao, was built in 1904, because of one of the ten scenic spots of Qingdao "Qinyu Floating Lantern" famous, is now a part of the national key cultural relics protection unit Qingdao German Architectural Complex.

Wikipedia: 小青岛灯塔 (ZH)

10. Former site of Hotel Fuerstenhof

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The former site is located at No. 37, Guangxi Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China, adjacent to Zhejiang Road in the west, built in 1910-1911, designed by German architect Li Xide, and is now the Guanhai Road Police Station of Shinan Branch of Qingdao Public Security Bureau, which is part of the German Architectural Complex in Qingdao, a national key cultural relics protection unit.

Wikipedia: 侯爵饭店 (ZH)

11. Qingdao Municipal Concert Hall

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Qingdao Auditorium, now known as Qingdao Concert Hall, located at No. 1 Lanshan Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China, was built between 1934 and 1935 and designed by architect Zheng Depeng.

Wikipedia: 青岛市礼堂 (ZH)

12. 回澜阁

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Huilan Pavilion, located at No. 10, Taiping Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China, was announced as a cultural relics protection unit in Qingdao on January 16, 1992 and Shandong Province on December 7, 2006.

Wikipedia: 回澜阁 (ZH)

13. Signal Hill Park

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The Xinhao or Signal Hill, located to the south of Guanxiang Hill and to the southwest of Qingdao Hill, is a landmark of Qingdao, China, well known for its three torch-like towers. It is one of the best locations to get a good view of both the sea and downtown area.

Wikipedia: Xinhao Hill (EN)


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