29 Sights in Bielefeld, Germany (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Bielefeld, Germany! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Bielefeld. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Bielefeld

1. Stadtpalais Habichtshöhe

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Stadtpalais Habichtshöhe

The list of monuments in Bielefeld contains the listed buildings in the area of the city of Bielefeld in North Rhine-Westphalia. These monuments are entered in the list of monuments of the city of Bielefeld; The basis for inclusion is the North Rhine-Westphalia Monument Protection Act.

Wikipedia: Liste der Baudenkmäler in Bielefeld (DE)

2. Neustädter Marienkirche

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The Evangelical Lutheran St. Mary's Church in Neustadt is the largest church in Bielefeld. The church, built in the Gothic style from 1293 onwards, is a defining element of Bielefeld's cityscape and is located in the Mitte district.

Wikipedia: Neustädter Marienkirche (DE), Website

3. Pfarrkirche St.Jodokus

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Pfarrkirche St.Jodokus

St. Jodokus is a Roman Catholic parish church and former Franciscan church in the centre of Bielefeld in the Mitte district. The late Gothic hall church with turret and the former convent buildings enclosing the cloister form an ensemble in Bielefeld's old town. The church and monastery building are plaster buildings with stone structure.

Wikipedia: St. Jodokus (Bielefeld) (DE)

4. Bauernhausmuseum

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The Bielefeld Farmhouse Museum is a museum in the Gadderbaum district of the East Westphalian city of Bielefeld in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The museum is located in the Bielefeld city forest and is one of the oldest open-air museums in Westphalia.

Wikipedia: Bauernhausmuseum Bielefeld (DE), Website

5. Altstädter Nicolaikirche

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The Old Town Nicolai Church is the oldest church in the original city of Bielefeld. It is the church of the Evangelical Lutheran Old Town St. Nicholas Parish. The church is named after Nicholas of Myra. It is located in the Mitte district.

Wikipedia: Altstädter Nicolaikirche (DE), Website

6. Synagoge Beit Tikwa

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The Jewish Community of Bielefeld is a religious community founded in Bielefeld in 1705, whose beginnings can be found in the 14th century. Today, as the Jewish Community of Bielefeld, it is a member of the State Association of Jewish Communities of Westphalia-Lippe. In addition, she has joined the Union of Progressive Jews in Germany.

Wikipedia: Jüdische Gemeinde Bielefeld (DE), Website

7. Burg und Festung Sparrenberg

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Sparrenberg Castle, also known as the Sparrenburg, is a restored fortress in the Bielefeld-Mitte district of Bielefeld, Germany. It is situated on the Sparrenberg hill in the Teutoburg Forest and towers 60 metres (200 ft) above the city centre. Its current appearance mainly originated in the 16th and 19th century. The Sparrenburg is considered to be Bielefeld's landmark.

Wikipedia: Sparrenberg Castle (EN), Website

8. Pauluskirche

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St. Paul's Church in Bielefeld's Mitte district is an Evangelical Lutheran parish church. It is located in the northeastern city center on Paulusstraße and August-Bebel-Straße in the Mitte district.

Wikipedia: Pauluskirche (Bielefeld) (DE), Website

9. Süsterkirche

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The Süsterkirche of the former Augustinian convent of Mariental is today the parish church of the Protestant Reformed congregation in the East Westphalian city of Bielefeld. It is located in the northern old town on Süsterplatz of the same name and thus in the Mitte district.

Wikipedia: Süsterkirche (DE), Website

10. Ruine Stiftskirche in Müdehorst

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Müdehorst Abbey, also known as Müdehorst Abbey, was founded around 789 in what is now the Niederdornberg-Deppendorf district in the Bielefeld district of Dornberg. It was thus one of the oldest monastic institutions in Westphalia. It was soon abandoned in favor of Herford Abbey.

Wikipedia: Kloster Müdehorst (DE), Website

11. Marienkirche Jöllenbeck

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St. Mary's Church Jöllenbeck is one of the three parish churches in the united Evangelical Lutheran Reconciliation Parish of Jöllenbeck in the Bielefeld district and district of Jöllenbeck. Today's "new" St. Mary's Church from 1854 replaces the medieval predecessor building, which was demolished in 1877. It is a listed building and has the status of a patronal church according to the old state church law.

Wikipedia: Marienkirche (Jöllenbeck) (DE), Website

12. Altes Rathaus

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The old town hall in the East Westphalian city of Bielefeld in the middle district of Mitte is commonly referred to in the administrative seat built in 1904. The originally oldest town hall of the city on the Old Market was rebuilt after war damage in the 1950s and is now home to the theater on the Old Market.

Wikipedia: Altes Rathaus (Bielefeld) (DE)

13. Ich

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A Ego-Monument is a sculpture that was erected for the first time in the city of Frankfurt am Main. The work of the artist Hans Traxler in collaboration with the stonemason Reiner Uhl has been on display since 24 March 2005 in the Oberrad district, in the Mainuferanlage between Rudererdorf and Gerbermühle in Frankfurt's green belt.

Wikipedia: Ich-Denkmal (DE)

14. Leineweberdenkmal

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The Leineweber Monument is one of the most important landmarks of the city of Bielefeld together with the Sparrenburg. It stands east of the Old Town Nicolai Church in the Old Town Church Park. It was created in 1909 by the sculptor Hans Perathoner, who had been leading the sculpture class at the Bielefeld School of Crafts and Arts and Crafts since 1907. Like the county monument in Jöllenbeck, it was inaugurated on 16 July 1909 on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the County of Ravensberg.

Wikipedia: Leineweberdenkmal (DE)

15. Epiphaniaskirche Vilsendorf

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The Epiphany Church is one of the three parish churches in the united Evangelical Lutheran Reconciliation Parish of Jöllenbeck in the Bielefeld district and district of Jöllenbeck. It is named after Epiphany. The modern sacred building, inaugurated in 1963, is visible from afar through its church tower in the shape of a cross and can be assigned to the architectural style of Brutalism.

Wikipedia: Epiphaniaskirche (Vilsendorf) (DE), Website

16. Historisches Museum

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The Historical Museum of the City of Bielefeld shows the history of the city of Bielefeld and the East Westphalia-Lippe region with a focus on industrial history. It was opened in May 1994. The exhibition is housed in some halls of the former Ravensberg spinning mill, which immerses the visitor in the atmosphere of industrialization.

Wikipedia: Historisches Museum der Stadt Bielefeld (DE), Website

17. Johannisberg

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The Johannisberg is a 200 m high part of the northern ridge of the Teutoburg Forest in Bielefeld. Together with the Sparrenberg opposite, which carries the Sparrenburg, it borders the northeast end of the Bielefeld Pass. The section of the ridge between Bielefeld Pass and the incision of the Johannesbach, which is barely over 4 km long, is not very structured. The 226 m high Ochsenberg with the Ochsenheide adjoins the Johannisberg, followed by the 209 m high Stecklenbrink.

Wikipedia: Johannisberg (Teutoburger Wald) (DE)

18. NaMu - Naturkunde-Museum

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NaMu - Naturkunde-Museum

The Natural History Museum in Bielefeld is a natural history museum in the city of Bielefeld in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Since 2003, it was given the additional name namu, which stands for the German words Natur (nature), Mensch (man), and Umwelt (environment). The exhibitions take place in the Spiegelshof, a historical building from the 14th century.

Wikipedia: Natural History Museum, Bielefeld (EN), Website

19. Peter-und-Pauls-Kirche

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St. Peter and Paul is the Evangelical Lutheran parish church in the Bielefeld district of Heepen in the Bielefeld church district of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia. It is the original parish church of today's city of Bielefeld.

Wikipedia: Peter-und-Pauls-Kirche (Heepen) (DE), Website

20. Peterskirche Kirchdornberg

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Today, St. Peter zu Kirchdornberg belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran parish in the Bielefeld district of Dornberg in the Bielefeld church district of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia. The church is the oldest sacred building in the present-day city of Bielefeld.

Wikipedia: Peterskirche Kirchdornberg (DE), Website

21. Kreuzkirche

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Kreuzkirche Andy1982 / Copyrighted free use

The Kreuzkirche in the Bielefeld district of Sennestadt is an Evangelical Lutheran parish church. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the Sennestadthaus on the B68. The church is an architectural monument.

Wikipedia: Kreuzkirche (Bielefeld-Sennestadt) (DE), Website

22. Zwergenhöhle

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The Dwarf Cave is a karst cave located on the southern ridge of the Teutoburg Forest in the Bielefeld district of Senne. The natural monument is part of the nature reserve "Eastern Teutoburg Forest" and is the only natural cave in the city of Bielefeld.

Wikipedia: Zwergenhöhle (Bielefeld) (DE)

23. Merkurbrunnen

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The Merkurbrunnen fountain in Bielefeld is the work of Herbert Volwahsen. The 5.50 m long stone bowl was erected in 1963 in front of Bankhaus Lampe on the Alter Markt in Bielefeld as the final point of reconstruction after the Second World War. The fountain, designed in the style of the 1960s, soon became a landmark of the city. On a bronze semicircle, similar to a globe, the 2.70 m tall Mercury floats in a moving pose, holding his staff in his right hand. On the helmet and sandals, only briefly hinted at, the small wings are recognizable. The clouds over which the Greek god hovers are symbolized by small fountains of water.

Wikipedia: Merkurbrunnen (Bielefeld) (DE)

24. Deutsches Fächermuseum

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The Deutsches Fächermuseum is a museum of decorative arts in Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The corresponding foundation was established in 1994 by Marie-Luise and Günter Barisch. The museum was opened in 1995. It is unique in Germany and one of only three museums of its kind in the world. It is located in Bielefeld's Old Town in the street Am Bach.

Wikipedia: Deutsches Fächer Museum – Barisch Stiftung (DE), Website

25. Rudolf-Oetker-Halle

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The Rudolf-Oetker-Halle (ROH) is the concert hall of Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It was built from 1928 to 1930 after designs by Düsseldorf architects Tietmann & Haake, opened on 31 October 1930. The listed monument is mostly in the original state and has excellent acoustics. The hall has been managed by the Theater Bielefeld from 2018. It is the home of the Bielefelder Philharmoniker.

Wikipedia: Rudolf-Oetker-Halle (EN), Website

26. Ebberg

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The Ebberg is a 309.1 m high mountain in the southeast of Bielefeld. It belongs to the main ridge of the Teutoburg Forest, which forms the district boundary between the Bielefeld districts of Senne and Stieghorst. The Hermannsweg runs over the summit and on the summit stands the Bielefeld Bismarck Tower, called Iron Anton, which was built in 1895 and renovated in 2004; about 200 m further east a 21 m high radio tower of a British army; from there again about 300 m in an easterly direction a municipal pumping station.

Wikipedia: Ebberg (Bielefeld) (DE)

27. Botanischer Garten

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The Botanischer Garten Bielefeld is a municipal botanical garden located beside the southeast edge of the Teutoburger Wald at Am Kahlenberg 16, Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is open daily without charge.

Wikipedia: Botanischer Garten Bielefeld (EN), Website

28. Petrikirche

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St. Peter's Church in Bielefeld-Mitte is an Evangelical Lutheran church in the Bielefeld church district. The building with church and parish hall at Petristraße 51 was built in 1954 according to plans by the architect Werner March.

Wikipedia: Petrikirche (Bielefeld) (DE), Website

29. Evangelische Kirche Ubbedissen

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Evangelische Kirche Ubbedissen

The Evangelical Church of Ubbedissen is a listed Evangelical Lutheran church in Ubbedissen, a district of Bielefeld, a city in the administrative district of Detmold in North Rhine-Westphalia. The parish of Ubbedissen-Lämershagen belongs to the Bielefeld church district of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia.

Wikipedia: Evangelische Kirche Ubbedissen (DE), Website


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