5 Sights in Ventimiglia, Italy (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Ventimiglia, Italy! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Ventimiglia. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Ventimiglia

1. Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta

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The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is a Catholic place of worship located in the municipality of Ventimiglia, in Piazza della Cattedrale, in the province of Imperia. The church is the seat of the parish of the same name in the vicariate of Ventimiglia in the diocese of Ventimiglia-San Remo.

Wikipedia: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta (Ventimiglia) (IT)

2. Oasi naturalistica foce del Nervia

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Oasi naturalistica foce del Nervia User:Vmenkov / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Nervia Oasis is a wildlife area in the province of Imperia included in the municipal territory of the two coastal municipalities of Ventimiglia and Camporosso. It is the terminal part of a SCI also defined as the Nervia Torrent Special Area of Conservation included in the Natura 2000 network created by the European Union for the protection and conservation of habitats and species, animal and plant, identified as priorities by the Member States of the European Union.

Wikipedia: Oasi del Nervia (IT)

3. Forte dell'Annunziata

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Forte dell'AnnunziataMichel Roland-Guill from Contes, France / CC BY-SA 2.0

The Fortress of the Annunziata or Ridotto dell'Annunziata was an ancient fortress in the Ligurian municipality of Ventimiglia, in the province of Imperia. Together with the fortification of Castel d'Appio and Fort San Paolo, it is part of the ancient defensive buildings erected in Ventimiglia during the Genoese domination and, subsequently, during the Napoleonic period.

Wikipedia: Fortezza dell'Annunziata (IT), Website

4. Barma Grande

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The Balzi Rossi caves in Ventimiglia comune, Liguria, Italy, is one of the most important archaeological sites of the early Upper Paleolithic in Western Europe. It has been continually excavated by archaeologists for more than 150 years.Riparo Mochi remains evidence for the earliest presence of modern humans in Europe. Grimaldi Man Venus figurines of Balzi Rossi

Wikipedia: Balzi Rossi (EN)

5. Oratorio di San Giovanni Battista detto dei bianchi

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Oratorio di San Giovanni Battista detto dei bianchi

The Oratory of St. John the Baptist and St. Clare, known as the Oratory of the Whites, is a Catholic place of worship located in the municipality of Ventimiglia, on the San Giovanni Battista hill, in the province of Imperia.

Wikipedia: Oratorio di San Giovanni Battista (Ventimiglia) (IT)


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