31 Sights in Burgos, Spain (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Burgos, Spain! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Burgos. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in BurgosActivities in Burgos

1. Museum of Human Evolution

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The Museum of Human Evolution is situated on the south bank of the river Arlanzón, in the Spanish city of Burgos. It is located roughly 16 kilometers west of the Sierra de Atapuerca, the location of some of the most important human fossil finds in the world. In addition, the Archaeological site of Atapuerca, which was declared a World Heritage Site in 2000, has yielded some of the exhibits at the museum.

Wikipedia: Museum of Human Evolution (EN)

2. Teatro Principal

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The Teatro Principal de Burgos is a building from the Elizabethan era located at the beginning of the Paseo del Espolón, next to the palace of the Provincial Council. It began to be built in 1843 by the architect Bernardino Martínez de Velasco, under the direction of Francisco de Angoitia, and was inaugurated in 1858. From its inauguration until 1956 it hosted a large number of concerts and shows. In the same building was the so-called Recreation Hall. After the 1997 refurbishment, carried out under the direction of the architect José María Pérez González ('Peridis'), the building recovered its dance, theatre and music activity, managed by the Municipal Institute of Culture of the City of Burgos.

Wikipedia: Teatro Principal (Burgos) (ES)

3. Carro de combate

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The M60 is an American second-generation main battle tank (MBT). It was officially standardized as the Tank, Combat, Full Tracked: 105-mm Gun, M60 in March 1959. Although developed from the M48 Patton, the M60 tank series was never officially christened as a Patton tank. It has been called a "product-improved descendant" of the Patton tank's design. The design similarities are evident comparing the original version of the M60 and the M48A2. The United States fully committed to the MBT doctrine in 1963, when the Marine Corps retired the last (M103) heavy tank battalion. The M60 tank series became America's primary main battle tank during the Cold War, reaching a production total of 15,000 M60s. Hull production ended in 1983, but 5,400 older models were converted to the M60A3 variant ending in 1990.

Wikipedia: M60 tank (EN)

4. Carro de combate

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The Panzer I was a light tank produced by Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Its name is short for Panzerkampfwagen I, abbreviated as PzKpfw I. The tank's official German ordnance inventory designation was Sd.Kfz. 101.

Wikipedia: Panzer I (EN)

5. Real monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Fresdelval

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Real monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Fresdelval

The Royal Monastery of Our Lady of Fresdelval was a Hieronymite monastery founded in the fifteenth century and located near the city of Burgos (Spain), specifically between the towns of Villatoro, Quintanilla Vivar and Villayerno Morquillas. Exclaustrated and in a dilapidated state, the old monastery belongs to a private property. It was declared an asset of cultural interest, then a National Monument, on June 3, 1931. Later (2009) the delimitation of the monument has been expanded.

Wikipedia: Real monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Fresdelval (ES)

6. Iglesia de San Nicolás de Bari

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Iglesia de San Nicolás de Bari is a Catholic church on Fernán González street in Burgos, Spain, located next to the Camino de Santiago, behind the Cathedral of Burgos. It is mainly known for having one of the largest altarpieces in Spain and the only one carved in limestone.

Wikipedia: San Nicolás de Bari, Burgos (EN)

7. Burgos Museum

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Burgos Museum

The Museum of Burgos, formerly known as the Provincial Archaeological Museum, has its rooms in two adjoining sixteenth-century palaces, the Casa de Miranda and the Casa de Íñigo Angulo, forming a block between Calera and Miranda streets, in the city of Burgos (Spain). The Museum's collections are exclusively from Burgos, by origin or destination, and show the historical and cultural evolution of the province.

Wikipedia: Museo de Burgos (ES)

8. Monasterio de San Francisco

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The Monastery of San Francisco de Burgos was a Franciscan convent located in the city of Burgos, (Spain), of which only a few ruins are currently preserved, rehabilitated to avoid landslides and the loss of the historical remains that remain. According to tradition, it was founded by Saint Francis of Assisi in 1213, having previously obtained the approval of King Alfonso VIII of Castile, although this has been questioned by numerous historians.

Wikipedia: Monasterio de San Francisco (Burgos) (ES)

9. Muralla de Burgos

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Muralla de Burgos

The wall of Burgos is a defensive fence that surrounds part of the historic center of the Spanish city of Burgos. Its current structure dates back to the Late Middle Ages. Since the eighteenth century it began to be progressively demolished at certain points, but several important sections and gates have been preserved, as well as some isolated towers and canvases.

Wikipedia: Muralla de Burgos (ES)

10. Museo del Retablo

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Museo del Retablo

The museum of the Altarpiece in Burgos is installed in the Church of San Esteban, which is currently unworshipped, and belongs to the Archbishopric of Burgos. It brings together a collection of altarpieces from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century from various towns in the province of Burgos. It also offers a sample of religious goldsmithing.

Wikipedia: Museo del Retablo (Burgos) (ES)

11. Iglesia de San Pedro y San Felices

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The Parish Church of San Pedro and San Felices is a Catholic church built in the fourteenth century southwest of the Spanish city of Burgos, in a neighborhood inhabited since the eighteenth century mainly by farmers. Dedicated to St. Peter and St. Happy, it was also known as St. Peter Saelices.

Wikipedia: Iglesia de San Pedro y San Felices (Burgos) (ES)

12. Museo del Libro Fadrique de Basilea y Museo del Cid

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Museo del Libro Fadrique de Basilea y Museo del Cid

The Fadrique Book Museum in Basel, also known simply as the Book Museum, was a museum space located in the Spanish city of Burgos. Its structure and works made it unique in the national territory. The Museo del Cid was located in the same building. As of June 2022, its collections are in the Book Museum located in the Archive of the Advancement of Castile, located in the town of Covarrubias (Burgos).

Wikipedia: Museo del Libro Fadrique de Basilea (ES)

13. Hospital del Rey

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Hospital del Rey

The hospital of the King was an assistance establishment of pilgrims and passersby located next to the Camino de Santiago as it passes through the city of Burgos, is part of the national heritage, together with the Parral.

Wikipedia: Hospital del Rey (Burgos) (ES)

14. Lerma

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Lerma is a village in the province of Burgos, part of the autonomous community of Castile and León, Spain. It has important monuments dating from the 17th century, which were built by the Duke of Lerma. The village is home to the headquarters of the Spanish wine denominación de origen protegida Arlanza DOP.

Wikipedia: Lerma, Province of Burgos (EN)

15. Santo Domingo de Silos

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Santo Domingo de Silos is a municipality and town located in the province of Burgos, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census (INE), the municipality had a population of 292 inhabitants.

Wikipedia: Santo Domingo de Silos (EN)

16. Museo de Telas Medievales de Burgos

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The Museum of Medieval Fabrics, located in the Monastery of Las Huelgas Reales, in the city of Burgos (Spain), is a museum that houses medieval women's, men's and children's civil clothing from the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries.

Wikipedia: Museo de Telas Medievales de Burgos (ES)

17. Castrojeriz

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Castrojeriz or Castrogeriz is a locality and municipality located in the province of Burgos, in the autonomous community of Castile and León (Spain), the comarca of Odra-Pisuerga, the judicial district of Burgos, head of the town council of the same name and former head of the Castrojeriz judicial district.

Wikipedia: Castrojeriz (EN)

18. Presencio

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Presencio is a municipality and town located in the province of Burgos, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census (INE), the municipality has a population of 238 inhabitants. It contains the Church of San Andrés.

Wikipedia: Presencio (EN)

19. Palacio de la Isla-Instituto Castellano y Leonés de la Lengua

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Palacio de la Isla-Instituto Castellano y Leonés de la Lengua

The Palacio de la Isla, located in the Spanish city of Burgos, was built in 1883 by the lawyer and banker Juan Muguiro y Casi in the orchard that he had acquired on the Paseo de la Isla, with the intention of spending the summer in the city. His style is romantic with neo-Gothic influences. In 1942, the building was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Wikipedia: Palacio de la Isla (Burgos) (ES)

20. Vadocondes

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Vadocondes is a municipality located in the province of Burgos, Castile and León, Spain. It's located in the Ribera del Duero region, on the meander at the start of the River Duero. Vadocondes is about 13 kilometers from Aranda de Duero, in the direction of San Esteban de Gormaz.

Wikipedia: Vadocondes (EN)

21. Iglesia de Santa Águeda

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Santa Gadea is a church dedicated to Saint Agatha in Burgos, Spain. The church is famous in history and literature for being the site where Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar at the behest of the Castilian Cortes, forced Alfonso VI to swear an oath that he was not an accomplice in the death of his brother, Sancho while he was besieging Zamora. Es el de la jura de Santa Gadea is the most notable Spanish medieval romance about this event.

Wikipedia: Santa Gadea (EN)

22. Iglesia de Santa María la Real y Antigua de Gamonal

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Iglesia de Santa María la Real y Antigua de Gamonal

Iglesia de Santa María la Real y Antigua de Gamonal is a church in Burgos, Spain. The Gothic structure dates to the 14th century, although there is evidence of an earlier church dating back to the eleventh century, when King Alfonso VI moved his seat from the destroyed city of Oca of the Auca diocese in 1075. It became a Bien de Interés Cultural listed building on 3 June 1931.

Wikipedia: Santa María la Real y Antigua de Gamonal (EN)

23. Iglesia de San Cosme y San Damián

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Iglesia de San Cosme y San Damián

Iglesia de San Cosme y San Damián is a Catholic parish church in Burgos, Spain, on the left bank of the Arlanzón River. It was built in the sixteenth century with a combination of the Late Gothic and Renaissance styles. It was a burial place of featured artists of the time.

Wikipedia: San Cosme y San Damián, Burgos (EN)

24. El Empecinado

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El Empecinado

The Mausoleum of the Empecinado is a funerary monument that contains the mortal remains of the guerrilla Juan Martín Díez, the Empecinado, Spanish soldier and hero of the Spanish War of Independence.

Wikipedia: Mausoleo del Empecinado (ES)

25. Casa de Miranda-Museo de Burgos

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Casa de Miranda-Museo de Burgos Jose Luis Filpo Cabana / CC BY 3.0

The Casa de Miranda is a Renaissance palace in the Spanish city of Burgos located in an urban space on Calle Calera, built in 1545 to serve as the residence of the canon of the cathedral, abbot of Salas in this same cathedral and apostolic protonotary, Francisco de Miranda Salón y España, son of Pedro de Miranda Salón and Isabel de España y Castillo, the building was probably directed by the architect Juan de Vallejo.

Wikipedia: Casa de Miranda (ES)

26. Iglesia de San Lorenzo

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Iglesia de San Lorenzo

Iglesia de San Lorenzo el Real is a Baroque church in Burgos, Spain. It is located on Calle Almirante Bonifaz. San Lorenzo was originally a Jesuit church, built between 1684 and 1694 to replace an earlier building of more modest proportions. The work was financed and sponsored by Francisca de San Vítores and erected by Bernabé de Hazas and Francisco del Pontón. After the expulsion of the Jesuits in the late eighteenth century, the church became a parish church. Since its creation in 1945, the church has been the seat of the Brotherhood of Coronación de Espinas y de Cristo Rey.

Wikipedia: San Lorenzo el Real, Burgos (EN)

27. Iglesia de Santa Clara

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Iglesia de Santa Clara

The Iglesia del Carmen de Burgos is a nun's convent in Burgos, Castile and León, Spain. It is situated on the corner of Calle de Covarrubias, del Progreso and Santa Clara. It is a Gothic edifice built mostly in the thirteenth century, at the time of its founding, when it was part of the Monasterio de Santa María la Real de Las Huelgas. It dates to 1234.

Wikipedia: Convento de Santa Clara (Burgos) (EN)

28. Iglesia del Carmen

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Iglesia del Carmen

The Iglesia del Carmen de Burgos is a Catholic parish church built in Burgos, Castile and León, Spain. It is a modern building, built in 1966–1968, replacing a demolished baroque building. It is located at the intersection of Paseo del Empecinado with Calle del Carmen, between the Arlanzón River and the old railway. The church was inaugurated on 7 July 1968.

Wikipedia: Iglesia del Carmen, Burgos (EN)

29. Puente Santa María

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Puente Santa María José Luiz / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Santa María Bridge is part of the group of bridges over the Arlanzón River in the Spanish city of Burgos. This bridge has been a key point in the city, as it was used as access to it, thus becoming one of the emblematic crossings. That is why from the beginning it has been the focus of intensive care.

Wikipedia: Puente de Santa María (ES)

30. Iglesia de San Esteban

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Iglesia de San Esteban is a former Catholic church in Burgos, Spain, on the eastern perimeters of Burgos Castle. It was essentially built between the late thirteenth and early fourteenth century. It now houses the Museo del Retablo.

Wikipedia: San Esteban, Burgos (EN)

31. Forum Burgos Evolución

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Forum Burgos Evolución

Fórum Evolución is the name of the Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio municipal, a building located in the Human Evolution Complex, in the Spanish city of Burgos. Designed by the Spanish architect Juan Navarro Baldeweg, construction began around 2005, and opened its doors in June 2012.

Wikipedia: Auditorio y Palacio de Congresos de Burgos (ES)


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