53 Sights in Valencia, Spain (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Valencia, Spain! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Valencia. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in ValenciaActivities in Valencia

1. Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències

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Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències

The City of Arts and Sciences is a cultural and architectural complex in the city of Valencia, Spain. It is the most important modern tourist destination in the city of Valencia and one of the 12 Treasures of Spain.

Wikipedia: City of Arts and Sciences (EN), Website

2. Museu Faller

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Museu Faller

The current Fallas Museum of Valencia has been installed since 1971 in the old Convent of the Mission House of San Vicente de Paül, which was completed in 1831, which is why it retains part of a structure of corridors and old cells. Later it had multiple uses, as a prison, barracks or warehouse. The Fallas Museum was rehabilitated and restructured in the early nineties of the twentieth century, being reopened in 1995. In 2016 the Fallas Museum was approved as an official Museum of the Generalitat Valenciana, being again restructured in its museological and museographic approaches. One of the novelties of this restructuring was the opening of the "Josep Alarte" temporary exhibition hall, dedicated to anthological exhibitions of the work of Fallas artists.

Wikipedia: Museu Faller de València (CA)

3. Central Market

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Central Market

Mercado Central or Mercat Central is a public market located across from the Llotja de la Seda and the Church of Santos Juanes in central Valencia, Spain. It is one of the main works of the Valencian Art Nouveau.

Wikipedia: Mercado Central, Valencia (EN), Website

4. Casa Natalicia de San Vicente Ferrer

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Casa Natalicia de San Vicente Ferrer

Vincent Ferrer, OP was a Valencian Dominican friar and preacher, who gained acclaim as a missionary and a logician. He is honored as a saint of the Catholic Church and other churches of Catholic traditions.

Wikipedia: Vincent Ferrer (EN), Website

5. Reina Sofia Palace of the Arts

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Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía is an opera house, performing arts centre, and urban landmark designed by Santiago Calatrava to anchor the northwest end of the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, Spain. It opened on 8 October 2005; its first opera staging was of Beethoven's Fidelio on 25 October 2006. Tenor and conductor Plácido Domingo has maintained a special relationship with the Palau since its founding and has established a young singers training program there.

Wikipedia: Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía (EN), Website

6. Oceanogràfic of Valencia

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L'Oceanogràfic is an oceanarium situated on the dry Turia River bed to the southeast of the city center of Valencia, Spain, where different marine habitats are represented. It was designed by the architect Félix Candela and the structural engineers Alberto Domingo and Carlos Lázaro. It is integrated inside the cultural complex known as the Ciutat de les Arts i de les Ciències. It was opened on 14 February 2003.

Wikipedia: L'Oceanogràfic (EN)

7. Torres dels Serrans

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The Serrans Gate or Serranos Gate, also known as Serrans Towers or Serranos Towers is one of the twelve gates that formed part of the ancient city wall, the Christian Wall, of the city of Valencia, Spain. It was built in Valencian Gothic style at the end of the 14th century. Its name is probably due to its location in the northwest of the old city centre, making it the entry point for the royal road connecting Valencia with the comarca or district of Els Serrans as well as the entry point for the royal road to Barcelona, or because the majority of settlers near there in the time of James I of Aragon were from the area around Teruel, whose inhabitants were often called serrans by the Valencians. Alternatively, the gate may also have been named after an important family, the Serrans, who lived in a street with the same name.

Wikipedia: Torres de Serranos (EN)

8. Iglesia de San Juan del Hospital

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Iglesia de San Juan del Hospital

The church of San Juan del Hospital, Cistercian Gothic with some Romanesque elements, is the oldest in the city of Valencia. Located inside a block bounded between the streets of La Mar, Sant Cristòfol, del Miracle and Trinquet de Cavallers, in the district of La Xerea, within the district of Ciutat Vella, its name is due to the Order of Saint John of the Hospital or Order of Malta. Since 1943, it has been a historical-artistic monument and since 1966 it has been directed by Opus Dei.

Wikipedia: Església de Sant Joan de l'Hospital (CA)

9. Palau del Marqués de Dos Aigües

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The Palace of the Marquis of Dos Aguas is a Rococo nobility palace, historically important in the city. It is located in one of the most central locations in the city of Valencia (Spain). It is a stately mansion that was the property of the Marqueses of Dos Aguas and is currently owned by the Spanish State. It houses the González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Decorative Arts.

Wikipedia: Palace of the Marqués de Dos Aguas (EN)

10. Monestir de Sant Miquel dels Reis

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The Monastery of San Miguel de los Reyes is a monastery located on the outskirts of the city of Valencia, in the Orriols neighborhood, district of Rascanya, a few meters from the milestone with Tavernes Blanques. It is the current headquarters of the Valencian Library.

Wikipedia: Monestir de Sant Miquel dels Reis (CA)

11. Iglesia de San Martín

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Iglesia de San Martín

The church of San Martín, by San Martín Bisbe and San Antonio Abad, is one of the oldest in the city of Valencia, located at the beginning of San Vicente Street. Its origin can be found in the conquest of the city by James I, being in principle a mosque consecrated to Catholic worship.

Wikipedia: Església de Sant Martí (València) (CA)

12. Jardins d'Aiora

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Jardins d'Aiora

The Palace and Garden of Ayora is a complex formed by a recreational villa and the garden area that is around it, which is located in the neighborhood of Ayora, belonging to the district of Camins al Grao in the city of Valencia. The gardens and the palace have several accesses through different streets, the access to the palace would be through the street of the Saints Justo and Pastor and the accesses to the gardens and other facilities that complete the complex, through the streets of Industria, Jeroni de Montsoriu and Humanista Furió.

Wikipedia: Palacete de Ayora (ES)

13. Banys de l'Almirall

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Banys de l'Almirall

The Admiral's Baths is a building in the neighborhood of La Xerea, district of the Old Town of Valencia near the Palace of the Admiral of Aragon, of Islamic architecture, built in the thirteenth century and used until the twentieth. The Admiral's Bath is a humble bathing building that serves to learn how the daily life of the less favored classes of the city of Valencia worked. Sociability developed between women and men, sexes who met on different days or at different times. Bathing was an exercise in practical hygiene and allows us to learn about the social relations of each of the periods.

Wikipedia: Banys de l'Almirall (CA)

14. L'ETNO - Museu Valencià d'Etnologia

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The Valencian Museum of Ethnology is a museum located in the city of Valencia, mediterranean Spain. The museum mission defines it as cultural institution primarily devoted to collect, research and communicate the tangible and intangible heritage related to traditional and popular Valencian culture. The mission underlines that the museum also aims to permanently question fundamental aspects of the culture, as the dynamics that built it and force it to evolve, as well as its diversity. Although fundamentally devoted to Valencian cultural identity within a Mediterranean context, this museum also works to give visitors the chance to understand the challenges and dynamics of culture as a whole and from a contemporary perspective.

Wikipedia: Valencian Museum of Ethnology (EN), Website

15. Sant Joan de la Creu

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Sant Joan de la Creu

The church of Sant Joan de la Creu was founded after the Christian conquest of the city, and was built on the site of a mosque. It is in the neighborhood of La Xerea, with the façade on Calle del Poeta Querol and between Vilaragut, Pròcida and Sant Andreu streets in the city of Valencia, Valencian Country.

Wikipedia: Església de Sant Joan de la Creu (València) (CA)

16. Església del Pilar

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Església del Pilar

The Church of the Pillar, or Church of Our Lady of the Pillar and Saint Lawrence is the church of the old Dominican convent of the same name, and is mainly what remains of it. It is located in the neighborhood of Velluters or El Pilar, the name it receives for the old convent. More precisely, it is located between Guillem de Castro Street, Maldonado Street and Plaza del Pilar, in the city of Valencia.

Wikipedia: Església del Pilar (València) (CA)

17. Palauet d'Aiora

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Palauet d'Aiora

The palace of Ayora and its garden called Jardí d'Ayora, is an architectural complex located between Calle de los Sants Just i Pastor and Calle de Jeroni de Monsoriu, in the neighborhood of Ayora, and bordering the neighborhood of Algirós, in the city of Valencia. Today the garden is a public park and the palace is a nursery school. On the eastern edge is the Ayora underground metro station. Above this station there is a garden area that is also considered part of the Ayora garden.

Wikipedia: Palauet d'Aiora (CA)

18. Falla de l'Ajuntament

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The Falla of the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Valencia, also referred to as Falla Plaza del Caudillo or Falla del País Valencià, as the name of the square where it is planted has changed, is the falla that is planted by the Valencia City Council. Although, voluntarily, there are fallas that decide not to participate in the scoring system of the Junta Central Fallera, this is the only one that is always out of the competition. It is considered that the first falla is the one planted in 1942, with the So Quelo as the protagonist of the auction, although, as in most fallas, there are precedents of fallas planted in the nineteenth century.

Wikipedia: Falla de l'Ajuntament (CA)

19. Valencian Institute of Modern Art

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Valencian Institute of Modern Art

The Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, also known by the acronym IVAM, was the first center of modern art created in Spain, opening in 1989 in the city of Valencia. The Institut Valencià d'Art Modern is an important center for modern and contemporary art in Spain and Europe. Nuria Enguita Mayo was the Director of the museum between September 2020 and February 2024.

Wikipedia: Institut Valencià d'Art Modern (EN), Website

20. Palacio de Cervelló

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Palacio de Cervelló

The Palace of the Counts of Cervellón, located in Plaza de Tetuán number 3 in the city of Valencia (Spain), is a neoclassical building built in the eighteenth century. It is listed as an Asset of Local Relevance by the Generalitat Valenciana.

Wikipedia: Palacio de los Condes de Cervellón (ES), Website

21. Jardí de Monforte

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Jardí de Monforte

The Monforte Garden, also known as Romero's orchard, is an ornamental garden in the city of Valencia, located in the Exhibition district, between Calle de Montfort, Plaza de la Legion Española and the Quirón clinic.

Wikipedia: Jardí de Monforte (CA)

22. Iglesia de las Escuelas Pías

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Iglesia de las Escuelas Pías

The church of the Pious Schools located on Carniceros Street in Valencia (Spain) was built in the eighteenth century in Baroque style and is a representative example of the architectural moment that the city of Valencia experienced in the last third of the eighteenth century.

Wikipedia: Iglesia de las Escuelas Pías (Valencia) (ES)

23. Jardins de la Glorieta

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The Glorieta Gardens, known simply as the Glorieta, are gardens in the city of Valencia, located in the neighborhood of La Xerea, in the district of Ciutat Vella. It is bounded by the streets of General Tovar, General Palanca, by the Plaza de la Puerta del Mar to the east and to the south by the Plaza de Alfonso the Magnanimous and the Palace of Justice.

Wikipedia: Jardins de la Glorieta (CA)

24. Casa-Museo Blasco Ibañez

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The Blasco Ibáñez House Museum is the current name, after its reconstruction, of the house of the Valencian writer Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, which is located at one end of the Malvarrosa beach in the city of Valencia, declared a Historic-Artistic Monument and recognized as an Asset of Cultural Interest (RI-51-0004451), with the name by which it is known in Valencia, Villa by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez.

Wikipedia: Casa-Museu de Blasco Ibáñez (CA)

25. Consell Valencià de Cultura

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Consell Valencià de Cultura

The Valencian Council of Culture (CVC) is a consultative and advisory institution of the Generalitat Valenciana in specific matters related to Valencian culture, with the mission of ensuring the defense and promotion of the linguistic and cultural values of the Community. It is made up of 21 members appointed at the proposal of the different political parties represented in the Valencian Parliament. In 2013 the Generalitat Valenciana reduced the number of members from 21 to 11.

Wikipedia: Consell Valencià de Cultura (CA)

26. Complex Esportiu - Cultural Abastos

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The Mercado de Abastos is a building located in the Spanish city of Valencia. It is located in the south-east expansion of the city, between Alberique and Buen Orden streets, occupying two blocks of the plot. It covers an area of 23,800 m², being executed between 1939 and 1948 as a project by the architect Javier Goerlich Lleó, with the impetus of the then mayor of the city, Joaquín Manglano y Cucaló de Montull, Baron of Cárcer.

Wikipedia: Mercado de Abastos de Valencia (ES)

27. Església de Sant Agustí i Santa Caterina

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Església de Sant Agustí i Santa Caterina

The parish church of Santa Catalina y San Agustín, located at 5 Mare de Deu de Gràcia street in the city of Valencia, Spain, is the church of the former convent of hermit friars of San Agustín who settled in Valencia in the thirteenth century.

Wikipedia: Iglesia de Santa Catalina y San Agustín (ES), Website

28. Parc de l'Oest

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Parc de l'Oest

The Parque del Oeste is a municipal park in Valencia located in the west of the city, between Camí Molí and Avenida de la Diputación, in the Tres Forques neighbourhood. It is, according to Mayor Joan Ribó, "one of the most popular and beloved parks by citizens".

Wikipedia: Parc de l'Oest (CA)

29. Parc de Capçalera

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Parc de Capçalera

The Parque de Capçalera or Parque de la Capçalera is a municipal park in the city of Valencia, located at the western end of the municipality, in the neighborhoods of Sant Pau and Campanar. To the west it borders with Mislata, and to the south with the neighborhood of Soternes; To the east, it faces the architectural barrier of Avenida de Pío Baroja. It occupies the part of the old bed of the Turia River between its diversion to the new Turia riverbed, which runs south of Valencia, and the beginning of the Turia Garden, at the Nou d'Octubre bridge: the head of the river within the municipality. The park, completed in 2008, is one of the largest in the city.

Wikipedia: Parc de Capçalera (CA)

30. Parc de la Cultura

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Hospital Park is a municipal garden in Valencia, in the Sant Francesc neighbourhood of Ciutat Vella. It occupies an area of just over 22,000 m² and is protected as an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC) in the complex of the Hospital Vell and the Hermitage of Santa Llúcia, two historic buildings that are part of the park. In addition, we can also find the Valencian Museum of Illustration and Modernity (MuVIM).

Wikipedia: Parc de l'Hospital (CA)

31. Palau dels Boïl d'Arenós

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Palau dels Boïl d'Arenós

The Boïl d'Arenós palace, also known as the House of the Lord of Bétera, located at Calle de los Llibrers, 2 in the Xerea neighborhood of Ciutat Vella in Valencia, is a building declared an asset of cultural interest, built on a corner plot owned by the Boïl family. It follows the typology of Valencian medieval palaces but refined and revised by later customs and traditions.

Wikipedia: Palau dels Boïl d'Arenós (CA)

32. Olympia

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The Olympia building and theatre is located at number 44 Calle de San Vicente in the city of Valencia. It is a multi-family residential building built in 1915 by the architect Vicente Rodríguez Martín.

Wikipedia: Edifici Olympia (CA)

33. Palau del marques de campo

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Palau del marques de campo

The Palace of the Marquis of Campo or of the Berbedel is located in the Plaza del Arquebisbe n. 3 in the city of Valencia. It is a residential building built in the seventeenth century, with works carried out in the nineteenth century. It houses the City Museum.

Wikipedia: Palau del Marqués de Campo (CA)

34. Convent de Sant Doménec

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Convent de Sant Doménec

The Convent of Santo Domingo was a convent of the Dominican Order in the city of Valencia, Spain. Construction of the church began on land granted by King James I of Aragon in 1239, but it was subsequently replaced by a larger structure in 1250. The building went through renovations and expansions during different periods in history, hence it is home to Renaissance, Neoclassical, Valencian Gothic and Baroque styles of architecture. It was classified as a Bien de Interés Cultural in 1931, and is now used as a Spanish Army headquarters.

Wikipedia: Convent of Santo Domingo (Valencia) (EN)

35. Torres de Quart

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The Torres de Quart or Puerta de Quart is one of the two remaining gates of the old Valencia city wall. It was built between 1441 and 1493. It was still in use during the Peninsular War when it was marked by cannonballs and musket shots.

Wikipedia: Torres de Quart (EN)

36. Teatre Talia

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Teatre Talia

The Talia Theater in Valencia is located at number 31 Calle de los Cavalleros in the capital of the Turia. The building, owned by the Casa dels Obrers de San Vicente Ferrer, has 100 years of history. By virtue of an agreement, the space has been managed since 1992 by Teatres de la Generalitat Valenciana. The hall has 243 fixed seats, 62 boxes on the first floor, 48 amphitheatre seats and 36 boxes on the second floor.

Wikipedia: Teatre Talia (València) (CA), Website

37. Royal Parish of the St Johns

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The Church of Santos Juanes or Sant Joan del Mercat is a Catholic church located in the Mercat neighborhood of the city of Valencia, Spain. The church is also denominated the Real Parroquia de los Santos Juanes or San Juan del Mercado due to its location adjacent to the city Central Market and facing the Llotja de la Seda building.

Wikipedia: Church of Santos Juanes, Valencia (EN)

38. Convento de Santa Clara

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The convent of Santa Clara de Valencia is located at 119 Pérez Galdós Avenue in the city of Valencia, Spain. It is a cloistered convent founded in 1911 and inhabited by nuns of the Order of the Poor Clares Coletinas.

Wikipedia: Convento de Santa Clara (Valencia) (ES)

39. Alqueria Julià

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The Alquería de Juliá, also called Huerta de Juliá, was located in the orchard of Valencia on the way to Mislata, and is currently located in the urban grid of the city of Valencia (Spain) between the current Avenida del Cid and the old Turia riverbed, the complex has a façade on Democràcia, Velázquez and Paseo de la Pechina streets. It is a seventeenth-century agricultural complex built in Mannerist and Baroque styles.

Wikipedia: Alquería de Juliá (ES)

40. Alqueria de Falcó

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The Falcó farmstead is a farmhouse located in the Torrefiel neighbourhood, in the municipality of Valencia (Spain). It is located on the Moncada road, very close to the Pi farmstead. It is an example of the Baroque in Valencian rural architecture.

Wikipedia: Alquería de Falcó (ES)

41. Edificio de Correos

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The Edificio de Correos or Palacio de correos y telégrafos de Valencia is a building located in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. It was built between 1915 and 1922 and inaugurated in 1923, where the old fishermen's quarter was partly located, with Las Barcas Street as a close witness. It was subsidized by Maura's government for the modernization of postal services in Spain.

Wikipedia: Edificio de Correos (Valencia) (ES)

42. Capella de l'Antic Col·legi de Sant Pau

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The chapel of the old San Pablo school in the city of Valencia (Spain) is located on Xàtiva Street and was built between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It is located within the current Lluís Vives Institute.

Wikipedia: Capilla del antiguo colegio San Pablo (ES)

43. Ermita de Santa Llúcia

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The hermitage of Santa Lucía, together with the grounds of the Old Hospital, was declared a National Historic-Artistic Monument in 1963 and an Asset of Cultural Interest in 2007, with the ministerial annotation number: R-I-51-0012195, and the date of annotation was November 28, 1963. It is located in the city of Valencia, on Calle del Hospital.

Wikipedia: Ermita de Santa Lucía (Valencia) (ES), Website

44. Parc d'Orriols

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The Orriols Municipal Park or Orriols Garden is a public park in Valencia located in the north of the city, in the Orriols neighborhood and near the San Lorenzo neighborhood. It takes the shape of an inverted L. It is located next to the City of Valencia stadium and close to Calle de Alfauir. It is served by tram line 6 that stops at the Estadi del Llevant station. It is surrounded by Carrer de Santiago Rusiñol to the north, Carrer de la Beata Genoveva Torres to the east, Carrer de Sant Vicent de Paül to the west and Carrer de l'Arquitecte Tolsà to the south.

Wikipedia: Parc Municipal d'Orriols (CA)

45. Ermita del Pilar

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Ermita del Pilar

The hermitage of El Pilar is a temple located in the Valencian district of Les Cases de Bàrcena. It is an Asset of Local Relevance with identifier number 46.13.074-004. It was built in the mid-eighteenth century, completely whitewashed and with a gable roof that covers the hermit's house attached to one side. It preserves the well and the trough next to the road used by the horses in the past.

Wikipedia: Ermita del Pilar de les Cases de Bàrcena (CA)

46. Teatre Principal de València

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The Teatro Principal de València, meaning Main Theatre of València, is a theatre in Valencia, Spain. It is located in downtown Carrer de les Barques, close from the City Hall, as well as the Northern Station and the adjacent Bullring.

Wikipedia: Teatro Principal de València (EN)

47. El Parotet

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The Parotet is a well-known monument located in the Europa roundabout, east of the city of Valencia, near the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències and the Torre de Francia. The name is given because of its resemblance to the dragonfly insect.

Wikipedia: Parotet (ES)

48. Parc de Marxalenes

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Marxalenes Park is a public park in Valencia, Spain, located in the north of the city, in the neighborhood of the same name, which belongs to the district of La Saïdia. Its realization was the result of the long claim of the Marxalenes Neighborhood Association of this area of the neighborhood, which qualified as a developable area was reclassified as a green area. Its total area is approximately 8 hectares between the streets of San Pancracio, Luis Crumiere, Poeta Fernández Heredia, Reus and Periodista Llorente. It is served by tram line 4 that stops at Marxalenes Station and Reus Station.

Wikipedia: Parque de Marxalenes (ES)

49. Parróquia de la Santísima Cruz

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The Church of the Holy Cross, located in the Plaza del Carmen, is one of the most important religious buildings in Valencia, especially for its artistic richness both inside and outside. The building has had the title of National Historic-Artistic Monument since 1983 and is also considered an Asset of Cultural Interest of the city of Valencia.

Wikipedia: Iglesia de la Santísima Cruz (Valencia) (ES)

50. Jaume I

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Jaume I or the Monument to James I is an instance of public art in Valencia, Spain. The monument is topped by an equestrian bronze statue representing James I of Aragon, conqueror of Valencia in 1238 and founder of the Kingdom of Valencia.

Wikipedia: Monument to James I (Valencia) (EN)

51. Col·legi del Patriarca

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Col·legi del Patriarca

The Royal College Seminary of Corpus Christi, also known as the College of the Patriarch, is a seminary founded in 1583 by Juan de Ribera, Archbishop and Viceroy of Valencia and Patriarch of Antioch, who three years later laid the first stone. It is located in the Plaza del Colegio del Patriarca, in the Xerea neighborhood of the city of Valencia.

Wikipedia: Reial Col·legi del Corpus Christi de València (CA)

52. Valencia History Museum

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Valencia History Museum

The Museum of History of Valencia (MhV) is a museum located in the city of Valencia whose mission is to learn about and publicize the historical development of the city. It was inaugurated in 2003 presenting the city's past in a didactic and entertaining way, with innovative proposals from current museography and combining the use of traditional exhibition resources and new technologies.

Wikipedia: Museu d'història de València (CA), Website

53. La Dama Ibèrica

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La Dama Ibèrica Emilio García / CC BY-SA 2.0

Dama Ibérica is the name given to a sculpture by the artist Manolo Valdés inaugurated in 2007 at the intersection of Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas and Calle la Safor in the Valencian district of Benicalap. The monument is a tribute to the Lady of Elche, is 18 m high and is made up of more than 20,000 small pieces in cobalt blue.

Wikipedia: Dama Ibérica (ES)


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