14 Sights in Cherkasy, Ukraine (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Cherkasy, Ukraine! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Cherkasy. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Cherkasy

1. Т-64

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The T-64 is a Soviet tank manufactured in Kharkiv, and designed by Alexander Morozov. The tank was introduced in the early 1960s. It was a more advanced counterpart to the T-62: the T-64 served in tank divisions, while the T-62 supported infantry in motor rifle divisions. It introduced a number of advanced features including composite armour, a compact engine and transmission, and a smoothbore 125-mm gun equipped with an autoloader to allow the crew to be reduced to three so the tank could be smaller and lighter. In spite of being armed and armoured like a heavy tank, the T-64 weighed only 38 tonnes.

Wikipedia: T-64 (EN)

2. Airplane

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Airplane Mike Freer - Touchdown-aviation / GFDL 1.2

The Sukhoi Su-7 is a swept wing, supersonic fighter aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in 1955. Originally, it was designed as a tactical, low-level dogfighter, but was not successful in this role. On the other hand, the soon-introduced Su-7B series became the main Soviet fighter-bomber and ground-attack aircraft of the 1960s. The Su-7 was rugged in its simplicity, but its Lyulka AL-7 engine had such high fuel consumption that it seriously limited the aircraft's payload, as even short-range missions required that at least two hardpoints be used to carry drop tanks rather than ordnance.

Wikipedia: Sukhoi Su-7 (EN)

3. ЗіС-3

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The 76-mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) was a Soviet 76.2 mm divisional field gun used during World War II. ZiS was a factory designation and stood for Zavod imeni Stalina, the honorific title of Artillery Factory No. 92, which first constructed this gun.

Wikipedia: 76 mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) (EN)

4. М-30

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The 122 mm howitzer M1938 (M-30) is a Soviet 121.92 mm (4.8 inch) howitzer. The weapon was developed by the design bureau of Motovilikha Plants, headed by F. F. Petrov, in the late 1930s, and was in production from 1939 to 1955. The M-30 saw action in World War II, mainly as a divisional artillery piece of the Red Army (RKKA). Captured guns were also employed later in the conflict by the German Wehrmacht and the Finnish Army. Post World War II the M-30 saw combat in numerous conflicts of the mid- to late twentieth century in service of other countries' armies, notably in the Middle East.

Wikipedia: 122 mm howitzer M1938 (M-30) (EN)

5. парк Сосновий Бір

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парк Сосновий Бір

Cherkasy City Park "Sosnovyi Bor" is a monument of landscape art of national importance in Ukraine. City park on the territory of the city of Cherkasy, in the northwestern part of the city, near Dakhnivska Street. It is located on the terrace of the Dnieper, on the banks of the Kremenchug reservoir.

Wikipedia: Черкаський міський парк «Сосновий Бір» (UK)

6. Храм Білого лотосу

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The White Lotus Temple is a Buddhist temple in the city of Cherkasy. This building is the largest Buddhist temple in Europe. There is a martial arts school at the temple. Here, everyone has the opportunity to study Muay Thai, the basics of self-defense, kung fu with the form of technique of the Lao school Sha-Fut-Fan, which means "Clan of the Five Fighting Cats", yoga, the practice of proper breathing, the basics of healing, and master the secrets of the tea ceremony.

Wikipedia: Храм Білого Лотоса (UK)

7. Богдану Хмельницькому пам'ятник

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Monument to Bogdan Khmelnytsky is a monument to the Ukrainian hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, the organizer and leader of the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people in the middle of the XVII century (Khmelnytsky region), erected in the city of Cherkasy in 1995.

Wikipedia: Пам'ятник Богданові Хмельницькому (Черкаси) (UK)

8. Cherkassy National University Botanical Garden

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Cherkassy National University Botanical Garden К.С.Павляк / CC BY-SA 3.0

Botanical Garden of Cherkasy National University. Bogdan Khmelnitsky is a botanical garden in Ukraine. It is located in the city of Cherkasy, between the streets of Maksym Zalizniak, Krasovsky and Hetman Sahaidachnogo. The garden is a structural subdivision of Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University.

Wikipedia: Ботанічний сад Черкаського національного університету (UK)

9. Пам'ятник Борцям за волю України

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The Monument to the Fighters for the Freedom of Ukraine is a monument in the city of Cherkasy, opened on April 23, 2016. Dedicated to all generations of Ukrainian soldiers who fought for the national statehood of Ukraine.

Wikipedia: Пам'ятник Борцям за волю України (Черкаси) (UK)

10. Музей «Кобзаря» Т. Г. Шевченка

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Музей «Кобзаря» Т. Г. Шевченка

The Tsybulski House is a house in Cherkasy, built by the Tsybulski brothers at the end of the XIX century. It is located at the corner of Khreshchatyk and ul. Baidy Vyshnevetsky. It is known for Taras Shevchenko's stay in 1859.

Wikipedia: Будинок Цибульських (UK), Website

11. Rose Valley

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Valley: Troyand is a park-monument of landscape art in Ukraine, located near the central part of the city of Cherkasy, near Gagarin Street, on the banks of the Kremenchug reservoir, from which it is fenced off by a forest belt. Next to the park is the Hill of Glory memorial complex.

Wikipedia: Долина Троянд (UK)

12. сквер Юність

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Yunost Park is a park-monument of landscape art of local importance in the city of Cherkasy. It is located in the city center, on Shevchenko Boulevard between Ostafiya Dashkovycha and Baida Vyshnevetskoho streets.

Wikipedia: Парк «Юність» (Черкаси) (UK)

13. Dniprovskyi Park

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Dniprovsky Park is a park-monument of landscape art of local importance. The object is located on the territory of Cherkasy, Cherkasy region, microdistrict "Mytnytsia", on Pryportovy Street, houses No. 16-18.

Wikipedia: Дніпровський парк (UK)

14. Козацький парк

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Cossack Park is a park-monument of landscape art of local importance. The facility is located on the territory of Cherkasy, Cherkasy region, microdistrict "Mytnytsia", between house No. 7 on Kozatska Street and house No. 12/2 on Pryportovyi Street.

Wikipedia: Козацький парк (UK)


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