19 Sights in Odesa, Ukraine (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Odesa, Ukraine! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Odesa. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Odesa

1. БМ-13 «Катюша» на базі ЗіС-5

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The Katyusha is a type of rocket artillery first built and fielded by the Soviet Union in World War II. Multiple rocket launchers such as these deliver explosives to a target area more intensively than conventional artillery, but with lower accuracy and requiring a longer time to reload. They are fragile compared to artillery guns, but are cheap, easy to produce, and usable on almost any chassis. The Katyushas of World War II, the first self-propelled artillery mass-produced by the Soviet Union, were usually mounted on ordinary trucks. This mobility gave the Katyusha, and other self-propelled artillery, another advantage: being able to deliver a large blow all at once, and then move before being located and attacked with counter-battery fire.

Wikipedia: Katyusha rocket launcher (EN)

2. Potemkin Stairs

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The Potemkin Stairs, Potemkin Steps, or, officially, Primorsky Stairs are a giant stairway in Odesa, Ukraine. They are considered a formal entrance into the city from the direction of the sea and are the best known symbol of Odesa.

Wikipedia: Potemkin Stairs (EN)

3. Duke of Richelieu

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Duke of Richelieu

Armand Emmanuel Sophie Septimanie de Vignerot du Plessis, 5th Duke of Richelieu and Fronsac, was a French statesman during the Bourbon Restoration. He was known by the courtesy title of Count of Chinon until 1788, then Duke of Fronsac until 1791, when he succeeded his father as Duke of Richelieu.

Wikipedia: Armand Emmanuel de Vignerot du Plessis, 5th Duke of Richelieu (EN)

4. Statue of Graf Vorontsov

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The Statue of Graf Vorontsov, Odessa, is a sculptural and former monument established in 1863 on the Sobor Square in Odesa in honor of Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov, Field Marshal, the General-Governor of Novorossiya Region and plenipotentiary governor of Bessarabia who was a graf until 1845, then knyaz from 1845. The sculptor is Friedrich Brugger, the pedestal was made under the command of Sevastopol 1st guild merchant P.A. Telyatnikov. and the architect was Francesco Carlo Boffo. On 11 November 2023 the monumental status of the sculpture was scrapped.

Wikipedia: Statue of Graf Vorontsov, Odesa (EN)

5. The Apartment-Museum of Leonid Utesov

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The Apartment-Museum of Leonid Utesov

Leonid Osipovich Utesov, also spelled Utyosov or Utiosov, born Lazar (Leyzer) Iosifovich Vaysbeyn or Weissbein, was a famous Soviet estrada singer, and comic actor, who became the first pop singer to be awarded the prestigious title of People's Artist of the USSR in 1965.

Wikipedia: Leonid Utesov (EN)

6. Odesa Fine Arts Museum

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Odesa Fine Arts Museum Havas Сreative Group Ukraine / CC BY-SA 4.0

Odesa National Fine Arts Museum or Odesa National Art Museum is one of the principal art galleries of the city of Odesa in Ukraine. Founded in 1899, it occupies the Potocki Palace, itself a monument of early 19th century architecture. The museum now houses more than 10 thousand pieces of art, including paintings by some of the best-known Russian and Ukrainian artists of late 19th and early 20th century. It is the only museum in Odesa that has free entrance day every last Sunday of the month.

Wikipedia: Odesa Fine Arts Museum (EN)

7. Свято-Троїцький собор УПЦ МП

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The Holy Trinity Cathedral in Odesa is an Orthodox cathedral of the Odessa Diocese of the UOC-MP. Since January 4, 2006 it has been called "Holy Trinity Cathedral"; in the same year, at the insistence of the Greek government, the word "(Greek)" was added to the sign at the entrance.

Wikipedia: Свято-Троїцький собор (Одеса) (UK), Website

8. Воронцовський маяк

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The Vorontsov Lighthouse is a red-and-white, 27.2 metre tall lighthouse in the Black Sea port of Odesa, Ukraine. It is named after Prince Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov, one of the governors-general of the Odesa region.

Wikipedia: Vorontsov Lighthouse (EN)

9. Odesa Archeological Museum

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The Odesa Archaeological Museum is one of the oldest archaeological museums in Ukraine. It was founded in 1825; the current museum building was completed in 1883 according to a design by Polish architect Feliks Gąsiorowski.

Wikipedia: Odesa Archaeological Museum (EN), Website

10. Свято-Успенський кафедральний собор УПЦ МП

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The Holy Dormition Cathedral is an Orthodox church, one of the largest in Odessa. From 1936 until its closure in 1937-1938 and from the mid-1940s to 2002 it was the cathedral of the Odessa diocese. Located at ul. Preobrazhenskaya 70.

Wikipedia: Свято-Успенський собор (Одеса) (UK)

11. Анатра Анасаль

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Анатра Анасаль

The Anatra DS or Anasal was a two-seat reconnaissance aircraft developed from the Anatra D (Anade). It was built in the Anatra factory in Odessa in the Russian Empire and flown during World War I by both sides during the Russian Civil War.

Wikipedia: Anatra DS Anasal (EN)

12. Odesa City Council

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Odesa City Hall is the city hall of Odesa, Ukraine, located at the junction of Prymorskyi Boulevard, Chaikovskoho Lane and Pushkinska Street. It occupies a Neoclassical building, built to a design by Francesco Boffo and Gregorio Toricelli in 1828–34. Rebuilt in 1871-1873 by Franz Morandi.

Wikipedia: Odesa City Hall (EN)

13. Одеський зоопарк

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The Odesa Zoo has the status of a nature reserve of nationwide value, which was granted in 1992. The collection of the zoo is about 1,600 animals, a part from which are mentioned in International Red Book, red book of Ukraine and European Red List.

Wikipedia: Odesa Zoo (EN), Website

14. Будинок О. П. Руссова

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The apartment house of Alexander Petrovich Russov is a monument of architecture and urban planning of local importance in Odessa, security number 33-Od. Located at 21 Sadova Street. One of the many houses of A.P. Rusov.

Wikipedia: Будинок О. П. Руссова на Садовій вулиці (UK)

15. Odesa Circus

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The Odessa circus is called "iron", because its frame is made of German-made metal, the composition of which is unknown, but it does not rust and cannot be welded. The peculiarity of the Odessa circus is that the distance from the arena to the dome is 22 meters, while the standard is 18 meters. Odessa circus is the oldest not only in the CIS, but also in the world. Because stationary circuses were not built anywhere, except for Russia and China. In Western countries, they "got by" with mobile tents.

Wikipedia: Одеський цирк (UK), Website

16. Римсько-католицький костьол Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці Діви Марії

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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral also called Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the name given to a religious building belonging to the Catholic Church and is located in the city of Odesa in the southwest part of the European country of Ukraine.

Wikipedia: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral, Odesa (EN), Website

17. Monument to Olexander II

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Alexander II Column, also known as Alexander's column or Monument to Alexander II of Russia, is a triumphal column located in Shevchenko Park, Odesa and is commemorated to the visit of Russian Emperor Alexander II the city of Odesa in 1875.

Wikipedia: Alexander II Column in Odesa (EN)

18. Monument to T.H. Shevchenko

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The Taras Shevchenko Monument is a monument erected in honor of the Ukrainian poet, prose writer, artist and ethnographer Taras Shevchenko in the park. Shevchenko from the side of the street. Marazlievskaya city Odesa, Ukraine.

Wikipedia: Пам'ятник Тарасу Шевченку (Одеса) (UK)

19. Monument to the founders of Odesa (dismantled)

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"To the Founders of Odessa" is the official name of the dismantled monument to Catherine II and her associates - José de Ribas, Franz de Vollan, Grigory Potemkin and Platon Zubov, which was located in Odessa on Catherine Square. The monument was erected in 1900 by Ukrainian architect Yuri Dmytrenko, sculptor Mikhail Popov, engineer A. A. Sikorsky with the participation of sculptor Boris Eduards. It was dismantled in 1920 and restored in 2007. As part of de-russification, it was dismantled on December 28, 2022.

Wikipedia: Пам'ятник засновникам Одеси (UK)


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