Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #1 in Salvador, Brazil


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 21 sights
Distance 5.5 km
Ascend 289 m
Descend 344 m

Experience Salvador in Brazil in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Activities in SalvadorIndividual Sights in Salvador

Sight 1: Monumento Cruz do Pascoal

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The Paschal Cross, or Paschal Cross Public Oratory, is a public monument in Salvador, the capital of the Brazilian state of Bahia. It was listed by the National Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) in 1938, through process no. 122.

Wikipedia: Cruz do Pascoal (PT)

296 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 2: Igreja do Santíssimo Sacramento do Passo

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The Church of the Blessed Sacrament at Rua do Passo is an 18th-century Roman Catholic church in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. It is dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament. The Church of the Blessed Sacrament at Rua do Passo was listed as a historic structure by National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) in 1938 and is part of the Historic Center of Salvador UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Wikipedia: Church of the Blessed Sacrament at Rua do Passo (EN)

326 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 3: Church of the Third Order of Mount Carmel

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The Church of the Third Order of Mount Carmel is an 18th-century Roman Catholic church in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. It is located adjacent to the Church and Convent of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Work on the church began in 1644. It was destroyed by fire in 1788 and subsequently rebuilt. The church is a large complex consisting of a nave, chancel, choir, corridors, tribunes, meeting rooms, and a sacristy. The interior was richly decorated in the 18th century; the painting of the ceiling of the nave is the first major work by José Teófilo de Jesus. The Church of the Third Order of Mount Carmel was listed as a historic structure by National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) in 1938 and is part of the Historic Center of Salvador UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Wikipedia: Church of the Third Order of Mount Carmel (EN)

275 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 4: Igreja do Rosário dos Pretos

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The Church of the Third Order of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Black People is an 18th-century Roman Catholic church in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Construction of the church took almost 100 years. It is dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary and belongs to the Archdiocese of São Salvador da Bahia. The church was listed as a historic structure by National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) in 1938 and is part of the Historic Center of Salvador UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Wikipedia: Church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos, Salvador (EN)

53 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 5: Largo do Pelourinho

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Largo do Pelourinho, officially Praça José de Alencar, is a street located in the neighborhood of Pelourinho, in the heart of the oldest part of the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Right at the foot of the old Portas do Carmo, near the Terreiro de Jesus and one of the most famous sets of baroque churches in the Americas, formed by the churches of the Third Order of St. Francis, all in gilded woodcarving; of San Francisco; of the Rosary of the Blacks; and the imposing Cathedral-basilica, formerly the Church of the College of the Fathers, where the poet Gregório de Matos studied and where Father Antônio Vieira preached.

Wikipedia: Largo do Pelourinho (PT)

25 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 6: Museu da Cidade

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The City Museum is a museum located in the region of Largo do Pelourinho in Salvador, Bahia state. The Museum was inaugurated on July 5, 1973 and tells the history of the city. The museum's enormous variety of pieces ranges from ancient to modern, from sacred to profane and is responsible for demonstrating elements responsible for Salvador's artistic, religious and cultural diversity.

Wikipedia: Museu da Cidade (Salvador) (PT)

80 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 7: Museu Abelardo Rodrigues

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The Abelardo Rodrigues Museum is a Brazilian museum that occupies the Solar Ferrão, in Pelourinho, Salvador. The organ is linked to the Institute of Artistic and Cultural Heritage of Bahia (IPAC) and its collection is focused on sacred art produced in Brazil.

Wikipedia: Museu Abelardo Rodrigues (PT)

14 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 8: Solar Ferrão

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Solar Ferrão is a building located in Pelourinho, Historic Center of Salvador, capital of the Brazilian State of Bahia, and which is part of the national heritage listed by IPHAN. The building houses the Abelardo Rodrigues Museum of sacred art.

Wikipedia: Solar Ferrão (PT)

118 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 9: Fundação Casa de Jorge Amado

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Fundação Casa de Jorge Amado joquerollo [2] / CC BY 2.0

The Casa de Jorge Amado Foundation is a Brazilian non-governmental and non-profit organization based in the mansion that faces Largo do Pelourinho, in Salvador, Bahia. It is a cultural institution with various activities and a research center, with documentation on Jorge Amado himself, Zélia Gattai and Bahian literature, open to visitors and highlighting courses, seminars, workshops, conference cycles, lectures, book and record launches, exhibitions, focusing on literary, artistic and human sciences themes.

Wikipedia: Fundação Casa de Jorge Amado (PT)

167 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 10: Igreja São Pedro dos Clérigos

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The Church of Saint Peter of the Clergymen is an 18th-century Roman Catholic church in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. It was constructed by the Brotherhood of Saint Peter in approximately 1709 and was renovated in the 18th and 19th centuries. The church was listed as a historic structure by National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) in 1938 and is part of the Historic Center of Salvador UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Wikipedia: Church of Saint Peter of the Clergymen (EN)

246 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 11: Escola Olodum

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Escola Olodum

Olodum is a bloco-afro from Salvador's carnival, in Bahia, Brazil. It was founded by the percussionist Neguinho do Samba.

Wikipedia: Olodum (EN)

209 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 12: Terreiro de Jesus

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Terreiro de Jesus

The Terreiro de Jesus is a plaza located in the Historic Center of Salvador de Bahia in Brazil. The square is located in the oldest part of the city and abuts the Praça da Sé. The Cathedral Basilica of Salvador, formerly the school and church of the Jesuits, is the most prominent structure in the Terreiro de Jesus, and occupies the west of the square. The plaza takes its names from the society. It was renovated in the mid-20th century by the landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx. It is officially known as the Praça 15 de Novembro, and forms a central cultural and historical center of the city.

Wikipedia: Terreiro de Jesus (EN)

23 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 13: Museu Afro-Brasileiro

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The Afro-Brazilian Museum in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, was inaugurated on 7 January 1982 by the then Director of the Center for Afro-Oriental Studies (CEAO), Dr. Yeda Pessoa de Castro, through an agreement between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education and Culture of Brazil, the government of Bahia, the city of Salvador and the Federal University of Bahia.

Wikipedia: Afro-Brazilian Museum (EN)

172 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 14: Praça da Sé

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Praça da Sé is a public place in the Historic Center of Salvador, capital of the Brazilian state of Bahia. It emerged in the 1930s due to the demolition of the old Bahia Cathedral, which gave rise to the name of the square, and some other colonial buildings. In the 1950s, it functioned as a bus terminal until the Lapa Terminal was built.

Wikipedia: Praça da Sé (Salvador) (PT)

675 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 15: Historic Centre of Salvador de Bahia

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Historic Centre of Salvador de Bahia fernando_dallacqua [2] / CC BY 2.0

The Historic Center (US) or Centre (UK) of Salvador de Bahia in Brazil, also known as the Pelourinho or Pelo, is a historic neighborhood in western Salvador, Bahia. It was the city's center during the Portuguese colonial period and was named for the whipping post in its central plaza where enslaved people from Africa were publicly beaten as punishment for alleged infractions. The Historic Center is extremely rich in historical monuments dating from the 17th through the 19th centuries.

Wikipedia: Historic Center of Salvador (EN), Website

619 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 16: Praça Castro Alves

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Praça Castro Alves

Praça Castro Alves is a street located in the city of Salvador, capital of the Brazilian state of Bahia, located in the central part of the old urban center, in Cidade Alta.

Wikipedia: Praça Castro Alves (PT)

388 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 17: Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Praia

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The Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, or the Basilica of the Conception, is a church in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. It is affiliated with the Catholic Church and was built in 1623, making it one of the oldest parishes in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of São Salvador da Bahia. It was the first church built by the first governor-general of Brazil, Tomé de Sousa. The current structure was prefabricated in Portugal and assembled in Salvador; its construction began in 1739 and ended in the mid 19th century. The art historian Germain Bazin classifies the church as Portuguese in design, rather than part of the Bahian tradition of religious structures of the 17th and 18th century.

Wikipedia: Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Salvador (EN)

293 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 18: Elevador Lacerda

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The Lacerda Elevator (Elevador Lacerda) is a public urban elevator located in Salvador, Brazil, connecting the lower city (Cidade Baixa) to the upper city (Cidade Alta). The 72 metres (236 ft) elevator was built between 1869 and 1873; it was named after Antônio de Lacerda, director of the Commercial Association of Bahia. It was a hydraulic elevator at first; later operating by electricity since 1906. The elevator towers were renovated in 1930, in an Art Deco styling. The Lacerda Elevator has two towers, one that pierces the stone slope of the Ladeira da Montanha, and the other, more visible, goes to the Cidade Baixa level. The elevator has four lifts, carrying 27 passengers each on a 30-second ride costing 0.15 reais. In 2019 it transported more than 33,000 passengers per day.

Wikipedia: Elevador Lacerda (EN)

138 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 19: Casarão dos Azulejos Azuis

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The Sobrado Azulejado, also known as the Sobrado de Azulejos, is a late 19th-century commercial building in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. It is located in the Comércio district on Praça Cayru, a public square, and close to the Mercado Modelo public market. The house is entirely glazed in azulejo, a tin-glazed ceramic tile; all of the tiles of the sobrado were manufactured in Portugal. The structure was listed as a national heritage site by the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) in 1969. Udo Knoff, a ceramics researcher, called the building "the most azulejo-tiled building" in Bahia.

Wikipedia: Sobrado Azulejado (EN)

739 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 20: Mario Cravo

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The Monument to the City of Salvador, also known as Fonte da Rampa do Mercado, is a sculpture by the Bahian artist Mário Cravo, installed in the Comércio neighborhood, in Salvador, on January 13, 1970. It is a listed monument at the state level. It is located in Praça Visconde de Cairu, close to other iconic structures in the city, also listed, such as the Lacerda Elevator and the Mercado Modelo. It is also close to the headquarters of the 2nd Naval District and the Nautical Tourist Terminal of Bahia.

Wikipedia: Monumento à Cidade do Salvador (PT)

687 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 21: Forte de São Marcelo

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Forte de São MarceloPortal da Copa/ME (victoria.camara) / CC BY 3.0 br

São Marcelo Fort, also known as Forte de Nossa Senhora do Pópulo e São Marcelo or Forte do Mar, is located in Salvador in Bahia, Brazil. It is located in small bit of land off the coast in the Baía de Todos os Santos. Standing on a small bank of reefs about 300 metres (980 ft) from the coast, it is one of two forts separated by water from land in Brazil, the other being the Fort Tamandaré da Laje Tamandaré in Rio de Janeiro. It is the only cylindrical fort in Brazil. Its design follows those of Castel Sant'Angelo in Italy and São Lourenço do Bugio Fort in Portugal. It is popularly known as the "Forte do Mar". It was built to protect the important port city Salvador from threats; the city had the largest number of forts during the colonial period of Brazil.

Wikipedia: São Marcelo Fort (EN)


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