Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #2 in Santiago, Chile


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 30 sights
Distance 8.8 km
Ascend 190 m
Descend 140 m

Experience Santiago in Chile in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Individual Sights in Santiago

Sight 1: Recabarren

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Luis Emilio Recabarren Serrano was a Chilean political figure. He was elected several times as deputy, and was the driving force behind the worker's movement in Chile.

Wikipedia: Luis Emilio Recabarren (EN)

161 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 2: Basilica de los Sacramentinos

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The Basílica de los Sacramentinos is a church in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile. It administered by the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament and its design was inspired by the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur in Paris. The main cupola of the church has a structural height of 69 m (226 ft).

Wikipedia: Basílica de los Sacramentinos (EN)

990 meters / 12 minutes

Sight 3: Casa de los Diez

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The house of Los Diez is a large house located in the center of Santiago de Chile, built at the end of the colonial era and chosen in 1923 as the headquarters of the so-called Group of the Ten. Located on the corner of Santa Rosa and Tarapacá, it was declared a national monument in September 1997.

Wikipedia: Casa de Los Diez (ES)

538 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 4: Iglesia de San Francisco

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The San Francisco Church is a Franciscan church on Avenida Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, in the downtown of Santiago de Chile. The church, along with the adjacent convent, is one of the oldest colonial-era buildings in the country. It has been resistant to about 15 earthquakes of magnitude over 7.

Wikipedia: Iglesia de San Francisco, Santiago de Chile (EN)

52 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 5: Museo de Arte Colonial de San Francisco

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Museo de Arte Colonial de San Francisco

Museo Colonial is a historical, cultural and religious museum located in Santiago, Chile. The museum explores the colonial period of Chile and South America, with a collection of paintings, sculpture, furniture and other objects. Many of the pieces are religious, and were created in Peru, the former colonial capital. The museum also features a genealogical tree of the Franciscan Order which is "gigantic" in size and includes 644 miniature portraits.

Wikipedia: Museo Colonial (EN), Website

307 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 6: Casa Central Universidad de Chile

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Casa Central Universidad de Chile Sisib Universidad de Chile / CC BY 2.0

The Casa Central de la Universidad de Chile, also known as Palacio de la Universidad de Chile, is the main building for the Universidad de Chile, and is located at 1058 Alameda Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, in Santiago, Chile. The building dates from 1872, and currently houses the rectorate, rooms used for ceremonial events and the Andrés Bello Archives, so-named to honor the lawyer who founded the university. It was declared a National Monument of Chile in 1974.

Wikipedia: Casa Central de la Universidad de Chile (EN)

182 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 7: Memoria Visual de una Nación

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Visual Memory of a Nation is a mural made by the Chilean painter Mario Toral, of 1200 square meters, thematically divided into two parts: Past and Present, which correspond to the eastern and western sectors of the Universidad de Chile station at the level of the platforms, separated by the mesanine. The great pictorial piece recreates as a "true visual narrative" the general history of Chile, rescuing its most significant milestones from the perspective of the artist, who develops a work heir to the Latin American mural tradition, founded in Mexico at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Wikipedia: Memoria visual de una nación (ES)

242 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 8: Edificio Ariztía

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Edificio Ariztía is a building located at 52 Nueva York Street in downtown Santiago, Chile, on a wedge-shaped city block. It was completed in 1921 and is considered the first "skyscraper" in Santiago. The building, constructed in reinforced concrete, was the first office building in Santiago with an elevator.

Wikipedia: Edificio Ariztía (EN)

30 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 9: Antigua Iglesia de Las Agustinas

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The Iglesia de las Agustinas is a Catholic church, located in downtown Santiago, Chile. The church was declared as a National Monument in 1977.

Wikipedia: Iglesia de las Agustinas (Santiago de Chile) (EN)

249 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 10: Museo Numismático

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Museo Numismático

The Numismatic Museum of the Central Bank of Chile is a museum located in Santiago de Chile, dedicated to exhibiting the history of banknotes and coins in the country as well as a collection from different countries. It was inaugurated on May 18, 2012. Previously, during the 1980s, the "Museum of the Monetary History of Chile" existed in the Central Bank, a project that had begun in October 1974 and whose director around 1981 was Ambrosio Andonaegui, and which was not open to the public.

Wikipedia: Museo Numismático del Banco Central de Chile (ES), Website

175 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 11: Plaza de la Constitución

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The Plaza de la Constitución is a plaza occupying a full square block in the heart of the civic district of Santiago, Chile. It is located in front of the northern facade of the Palacio de la Moneda and is surrounded by other government buildings such as those housing the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Banco Central de Chile and the Intendencia de Santiago. The square is bounded by Moneda Street on the south, Morandé Street on the east, Agustinas Street on the north, and Teatinos Street on the west.

Wikipedia: Plaza de la Constitución (Santiago) (EN)

83 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 12: Salvador Allende Gossens

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Salvador Allende GossensRobert Cutts from Bristol, England, UK / CC BY 2.0

The Monument to Salvador Allende is a bronze sculpture located in the Plaza de la Constitución of La Moneda Palace, in Santiago de Chile inaugurated in 2000 as a tribute to President Salvador Allende on his birthday. The 3-meter sculpture was sculpted by the artist Arturo Hevia. Its inauguration was held in the presence of President Ricardo Lagos.

Wikipedia: Monumento a Salvador Allende (Santiago de Chile) (ES)

202 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 13: Museo del Ahorro

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The BancoEstado Savings Museum is a Chilean museum founded by Banco del Estado in 1990 and inaugurated on December 22, 1992, and is located in the bank's headquarters at 25 Morandé Street, 2nd underground, in front of the Plaza de la Ciudadanía.

Wikipedia: Museo del Ahorro (ES)

176 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 14: Centro Cultural Palacio de La Moneda

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Centro Cultural Palacio de La Moneda is a cultural facility located in Santiago, Chile, under Plaza de la Ciudadanía, in the southern façade of the Palacio de La Moneda. It is intended to place the Chilean capital in the international cultural circuit, allowing participative and formative access for all citizens to the cultural and audiovisual richness of the nation.

Wikipedia: Centro Cultural Palacio de La Moneda (EN)

124 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 15: Bandera Bicentenario

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The Bicentennial Flag is a monumental Chilean flag located in the central flag of the Alameda del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, in the Plaza de la Ciudadanía, located in the city of Santiago, capital of Chile.

Wikipedia: Bandera Bicentenario (ES)

130 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 16: Bernardo O'Higgins

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Bernardo O'Higgins Carlos yo / CC BY-SA 4.0

The monument to Bernardo O'Higgins is a bronze sculpture on a marble base, which represents the moment when Bernardo O'Higgins crosses with his horse over a defeated enemy of the royalist troops in the battle of Rancagua in 1814. It is located in the Alameda in front of the Palacio de La Moneda, in the Plaza de la Ciudadanía in the city of Santiago, Chile.

Wikipedia: Monumento a Bernardo O'Higgins (Santiago de Chile) (ES)

55 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 17: Altar de la Patria

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The Altar of the Homeland is a Chilean monument located under the Plaza de la Ciudadanía in Santiago de Chile, between Nataniel Cox and Zenteno streets. The work consists of a crypt located under where the "Eternal Flame of Freedom" was originally located, until its transfer to the Military School in 2004. It contains the remains of Chile's Supreme Director, Bernardo O'Higgins, and a timeline that tells the history of that country.

Wikipedia: Altar de la Patria (Chile) (ES)

657 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 18: Palacio Ariztía

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The Ariztía Palace is a historic building in the city of Santiago de Chile, it was the seat of the Chamber of Deputies in Santiago, until 2006, when the offices of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate returned to the building of the former National Congress of Chile.

Wikipedia: Palacio Ariztía (Santiago de Chile) (ES)

1166 meters / 14 minutes

Sight 19: Iglesia Parroquial de Santa Ana

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The Iglesia de Santa Ana is a Catholic church in downtown Santiago de Chile. It is located at the northwest corner of Catedral and San Martín streets. The church was declared as a National Monument of Chile in 1970, within the category of Historic Monuments. Santa Ana metro station is named after the church.

Wikipedia: Iglesia de Santa Ana (Santiago de Chile) (EN)

643 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 20: Edificio de la ex Caja de Crédito Hipotecario

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The edificio de la ex Caja de Crédito Hipotecario is a building located at 1234 Huérfanos Street, in downtown Santiago, Chile. Designed by architect Ricardo Larraín Bravo, it was built between 1915 and 1920 for the Caja de Crédito Hipotecario, and as of 2016, it serves as the seat of the Tribunal Constitucional.

Wikipedia: Edificio de la ex Caja de Crédito Hipotecario (EN)

299 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 21: Museum of Precolombian Art

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The Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art is an art museum dedicated to the study and display of pre-Columbian artworks and artifacts from Central and South America.

Wikipedia: Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino (EN), Website

249 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 22: Museo de Arte Sagrado

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The Museo de Arte Sagrado is a religious art museum located in Santiago, Chile. The museum is located behind the Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral, and features a courtyard and colonial architecture. The museum features a collection of Jesuit silverware and religious paintings, sculpture, and furniture.

Wikipedia: Museo de Arte Sagrado (EN), Website

227 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 23: Museo de Bomberos de Santiago (MUBO)

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The Santiago Firefighters Museum (MuBo) is a cultural institution located in the district of Santiago Centro, in Santiago de Chile.

Wikipedia: Museo de Bomberos de Santiago (ES), Website

259 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 24: Pedro de Valdivia

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The equestrian statue of Pedro de Valdivia, located in the Plaza de Armas of the city of Santiago, Chile, is a bronze sculpture that represents the conquistador Pedro de Valdivia with the founding act of the capital. The work of sculptor Enrique Pérez, it was inaugurated on July 25, 1963 in its original location at the northern access to Santa Lucía Hill.

Wikipedia: Estatua ecuestre de Pedro de Valdivia (ES)

79 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 25: Monumento a la Libertad Americana

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The Monument to American Freedom is a marble sculpture located in the center of the Plaza de Armas in Santiago, Chile. The work of the Italian sculptor Francesco Orselino, it was commissioned by the diplomat Francisco Javier Rosales in 1827, and installed in the square by decree authorized by Diego Portales on April 25, 1836.

Wikipedia: Monumento a la Libertad Americana (ES)

453 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 26: Church of Saint Augustine

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Iglesia de San Agustín — Our Lady of Grace, commonly known as Church of St Augustine or Templo de San Agustín, is owned by the Order of Saint Augustine. It is a Catholic church, located at the southeast corner of Agustinas and Estado streets, in downtown Santiago, Chile.

Wikipedia: Iglesia San Agustín, Chile (EN), Website

22 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 27: Cristo de Mayo

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The Lord of Agony, popularly known as Christ of May or Lord of the Tremors, is a venerated wooden crucifix of Chilean Baroque and colonial sacred art, guarded by the Augustinian friars in the Church of San Agustín. The sculpture was carved in 1613 by Fray Pedro De Figueroa O.S.A. and was the first by a known author in Chile. After the Earthquake of 1647, an annual procession began that became the oldest tradition in the country. The figure has also been related to Catalina de los Ríos y Lísperguer.

Wikipedia: Cristo de Mayo (ES)

198 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 28: Teatro Municipal de Santiago

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The Teatro Municipal, National Opera of Chile is the most important stage theatre and opera house in Santiago, Chile.

Wikipedia: Municipal Theatre of Santiago (EN)

486 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 29: Fuente Neptuno

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The source of Neptune is a monumental source located on the Santa Lucía hill, in the Chilean commune of Santiago Centro, dedicated to the Roman god of the seas, Neptune. The sculpture can be included in the so -called "industrial sculpture", for series of several copies from the same mold. He was commissioned by the Chilean State to France, specifically to the Val D´osne Foundry that takes as a model the one created in 1856-7 by the Frenchman Gabriel-Vital Dubray (1813-1892), and which became world popular during the international exhibition of London in 1862. Its initial destination was the central flag of the Alameda of the Delicias, being installed in 1859, when it was still the main capital walk and its appearance was far from the current one. It is the main ornamentation of entry into hill from Alameda, as part of the city's beautification works. Years later it was placed in the current location during the first century of independent Chile, differentiating itself in the architectural style of colonial chili. The initial design of the work was commissioned to the French architect Victor Henri Villeneuve, and then ended by the Chilean Benjamín Marambio.

Wikipedia: Fuente de Neptuno (Santiago de Chile) (ES)

406 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 30: Cerro Santa Lucía

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Santa Lucía Hill, also known in Mapuche as Huelén Hill, is a small hill in the centre of Santiago, Chile. It is situated between Alameda del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins in the south, Santa Lucía Street in the west and Victoria Subercaseaux on the east. An adjacent metro station is named after it. The hill has an altitude of 629 m and a height of 69 m over the surrounding area. The hill is the remnant of a volcano 15 million years old.

Wikipedia: Santa Lucía Hill (EN)


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