Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #3 in Poznan, Poland


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 29 sights
Distance 9.6 km
Ascend 117 m
Descend 93 m

Experience Poznan in Poland in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Activities in PoznanIndividual Sights in Poznan

Sight 1: Dom modlitwy gminy żydowskiej

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The tenement house of the Jewish community board in Poznań – a tenement house located in the northern part of the Old Town in Poznań, at the corner of 10 Stawna Street and 10 Szewska Street, housing the authorities of the Poznań kehilla in the interwar period and since 2003.

Wikipedia: Kamienica zarządu gminy żydowskiej w Poznaniu (PL), Url

609 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 2: Kościół pw. św. Wojciecha

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The Church of St. Adalbert or the Church of St. Wojciech in Poznań, Poland, was constructed in the 15th century. It was the one of only two Polish churches under the Nazis (1939–1944). The church has a 16th-century wooden belfry.

Wikipedia: Church of St. Adalbert, Poznań (EN), Website, Url, Url 0

291 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 3: Pomnik Armii Poznań

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Pomnik Armii Poznań

The "Poznań" Army Monument – a monument in honor of the heroes of the "Poznań" Army, unveiled in Poznań on September 1, 1982 on the 43rd anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. It is located on the Hill of Saint Wojciech, between Kutrzeby, Księcia Józefa and Aleja Niepodległości streets, in the eastern part of the former Independence Square.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Armii Poznań (PL), Url

676 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 4: Pomnik Adwokatów Poznańskiego Czerwca 1956

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The Monument to the Advocates of June '56 – a monument at Stanisława Hejmowskiego Street in the centre of Poznań, commemorating the lawyers – defenders in the trials of the Poznań June 1956.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Adwokatów Czerwca '56 (PL)

256 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 5: Dzieci Poznańskiego Czerwca 1956

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Children of June 1956 – a small sculptural work, located in Poznań at 3 Młyńska Street, in the gate of an old tenement house.

Wikipedia: Dzieci Czerwca 1956 (PL)

291 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 6: Adam Mickiewicz

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The Adam Mickiewicz Monument in Poznań (PTPN) is one of the two monuments to Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań. It stands in the courtyard of the building of the Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences at Mielżyńskiego Street in the city centre.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (PTPN) (PL)

231 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 7: Piotr Majchrzak

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Piotr Majchrzak's Boulder – a memorial boulder commemorating the memory of a technical school student – Piotr Majchrzak, murdered by the ZOMO in 1982, located in Poznań, directly next to the Church of the Holy Saviour at 11 Fredry Street in the city center.

Wikipedia: Głaz Piotra Majchrzaka (PL)

19 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 8: Kościół pw. Najświętszego Zbawiciela

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The Church of the Holy Saviour is a historic temple at 11 Fredry Street in the Imperial District in Poznań.

Wikipedia: Kościół Najświętszego Zbawiciela w Poznaniu (PL), Website, Url, Url 0

96 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 9: Najświętszy Zbawiciel

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The Monument of the Holy Saviour in Poznań – a monument located in Poznań, at A. Fredry Street, in the square-garden in front of the neo-Gothic rectory of the Church of the Holy Saviour.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Najświętszego Zbawiciela w Poznaniu (PL), Url, Url 0

303 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 10: Muzeum Powstania Poznańskiego – Czerwiec 1956

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Poznań Uprising Museum – June 1956 – a historical museum, located in Poznań, in the Imperial Castle, on the side of Święty Marcin Street, a branch of the Wielkopolska Museum of Independence.

Wikipedia: Muzeum Powstania Poznańskiego – Czerwiec 1956 (PL)

243 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 11: Ignacy Jan Paderewski

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The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Monument is a monument to Ignacy Jan Paderewski located in Poznań, on Święty Marcin, directly next to the building of Aula Nova, within the Imperial District.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego w Poznaniu (PL)

139 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 12: Obszar obrazów efemerycznych

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The Area of Ephemeral Paintings – a street sculpture (installation) by Professor Jan Berdyszak, located in Poznań at the south-eastern part of the Kaponiera Roundabout.

Wikipedia: Obszar obrazów efemerycznych (PL)

200 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 13: Kaponiera Kolejowa

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Kaponiera KolejowaRzuwig, Bogusław Musielak, Archiwum Porozumienia dla Twierdzy Poznań / CC BY 3.0

Railway Caponier – an independent fortification structure that is part of the Poznań Fortress. It was built in 1872 in order to cover the railway lines leading towards Toruń and Stargard with fire. It is located under the exit road running from the Berlin Gate towards the first railway station at Gajowa Street.

Wikipedia: Kaponiera Kolejowa (PL)

637 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 14: Muzeum Wiedzy o Środowisku

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The Museum of Environmental Knowledge in Poznań is a unit of the Institute of Agricultural and Forest Environment of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań, located at 19 Bukowska Street. Entrance from the Old Zoo. Admission is free.

Wikipedia: Muzeum Wiedzy o Środowisku w Poznaniu (PL)

318 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 15: Karol Marcinkowski

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The monument of Karol Marcinkowski at the First High School – a monument located in Poznań at Bukowska Street, on the premises of the First High School, commemorating Karol Marcinkowski – the patron of the school.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu (I LO) (PL)

509 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 16: Ks. Augustyn Szamarzewski

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Monument of Father Augustyn Szamarzewski (1832-1891) – commemorating one of the main organizers of organic work in Wielkopolska, located in Poznań at 3 Szamarzewskiego Street, on the premises of the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Augustyna Szamarzewskiego w Poznaniu (PL)

470 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 17: Pomnik pracowników komunikacji miejskiej

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The Monument to the Victims of June 1956 – a monument located in Poznań, at Gajowa Street in Jeżyce, commemorating public transport workers from Poznań – victims of the Poznań June 1956.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Ofiar Czerwca 1956 (ul. Gajowa) (PL)

71 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 18: Mieszkanie-Pracownia Kazimiery Iłłakowiczówny

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Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna's Apartment-Studio – a museum dedicated to Kazimierza Iłłakowiczówna, located in apartment No. 8 at 4 Gajowa Street in Poznań's Jeżyce district, in the apartment occupied by the poet from 1948 until her death.

Wikipedia: Mieszkanie-Pracownia Kazimiery Iłłakowiczówny (PL), Website

415 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 19: Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych

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The building of the Social Insurance Institution in Poznań – an avant-garde, modernist office building in Poznań, built in 1931 according to the design of Marian Andrzejewski.

Wikipedia: Gmach I Oddziału ZUS w Poznaniu (PL)

408 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 20: Zakład Elektronicznej Techniki Obliczeniowej

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The German Covered Bond Bank – a historic building in Poznań, located directly next to the Theatre Bridge, over the railway tracks to the north. It is part of the buildings of the Imperial District.

Wikipedia: Niemiecki Bank Listów Zastawnych w Poznaniu (PL), Website

288 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 21: Filharmonia Poznańska

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Tadeusz Szeligowski Poznań Philharmonic is a regional cultural institution founded in 1947 on the initiative of Tadeusz Szeligowski as the State Philharmonic in Poznań; one of the two philharmonics in the Greater Poland Voivodeship.

Wikipedia: Poznań Philharmonic (EN), Website

163 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 22: Poznański Czerwiec 1956

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Poznań June 1956 Monument (Poznań Crosses) is a monument on Adam Mickiewicz Square in the Imperial District in Poznań, commemorating the 1956 Poznań protests and subsequent protests in the Polish People's Republic. It was erected on June 19 and officially unveiled on June 28, 1981, on the 25th anniversary of the June events.

Wikipedia: Monument to the Victims of June 1956 (EN), Url, Url 0

98 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 23: Park Adama Mickiewicza

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Adam Mickiewicz Park – a historic city park in Poznań, located in the Imperial District in the city center. One of the most impressive parks in the city, which is the nucleus of the Imperial District, located between Fredry, Wieniawskiego, Święty Marcin and Aleja Niepodległości streets.

Wikipedia: Park Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (PL)

244 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 24: Ogród Zamkowy

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The Castle Garden of the Victims of Katyn and Siberia - a former private residential garden, located in the Imperial District in the center of Poznań, at the northern façade of the Imperial Castle. It was founded together with the castle for Kaiser Wilhelm II in the fork of Aleja Niepodległości and Fredry Street. The Rose Garden was an integral part of it. The Castle Garden used to be closed and separated from the street by wrought iron fences.

Wikipedia: Ogród Zamkowy w Poznaniu (PL)

68 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 25: Fontanna lwów

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The Fountain of Lions is a fountain located in Poznań, in the Rose Courtyard of the Imperial Castle.

Wikipedia: Fontanna Lwów w Poznaniu (PL), Url, Url 0

391 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 26: O. Honoriusz Kowalczyk

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The Honoriusz Kowalczyk Boulder – a commemorative boulder located in the center of Poznań on the outer side of the wall of the Dominican Church at Aleja Niepodległości 20.

Wikipedia: Głaz Honoriusza Kowalczyka (PL)

79 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 27: Kościół Najświętszej Maryi Panny Królowej Różańca

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The Church of the Queen of the Holy Rosary in Poznań – a temple belonging to the Dominican Order, located in the center of Poznań at the corner of Libelta Street and Aleja Niepodległości. Since 2017, the Lenten station church.

Wikipedia: Kościół Najświętszej Maryi Panny Królowej Różańca Świętego w Poznaniu (PL)

327 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 28: Park Stanisława Moniuszki

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Stanisław Moniuszko Park in Poznań – a historic park with an area of 2.2 hectares located in the centre of Poznań, located between Libelta, Noskowskiego, Chopina and Al. Niepodległości streets.

Wikipedia: Park Stanisława Moniuszki w Poznaniu (PL)

1773 meters / 21 minutes

Sight 29: Park Cytadela

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The Citadel Park in Poznań, Poland is a large park on the site of Fort Winiary, a 19th-century fortified area north of the city centre. It contains a military museum, military cemeteries, and the remains of some of the fortifications. It lies within the Stare Miasto district of the city, south of Winogrady.

Wikipedia: Citadel Park (EN)


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