Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #17 in Moscow, Russia


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 30 sights
Distance 13.4 km
Ascend 283 m
Descend 285 m

Experience Moscow in Russia in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Activities in MoscowIndividual Sights in Moscow

Sight 1: Melnikov House

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The Melnikov House is a one-apartment residential house, a landmark building of the Soviet avant-garde. It was built in 1927–1929 in Krivoarbatsky Lane in Moscow by the outstanding Soviet architect Konstantin Melnikov for himself and his family.

Wikipedia: Melnikov House (EN)

280 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 2: Садовый павильон с садом

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The Garden Pavilion with a Garden is a garden building in the neoclassical style, erected according to the project of architect Konstantin Burov in 1911 as part of the Lopatin city estate. It is located in Moscow at Sivtsev Vrazhek Lane, house No 42, building 5. It is a rather rare type of monument for the city, since with the disappearance of the urban manor culture in Moscow, most of these buildings have not survived.

Wikipedia: Садовый павильон с садом (RU)

342 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 3: Дом-музей А. И. Герцена

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Дом-музей А. И. Герцена

The House-Museum of Alexander Ivanovich Herzen is a museum dedicated to the activities of the writer Alexander Herzen. Located in Moscow at 27 Sivtsev Vrazhek Lane, it is a branch of the State Literary Museum. The exposition is located in a wooden mansion in the Empire style, built in the 1820s, where Herzen lived from 1843 to 1847. The museum opened in 1976 on the initiative of the writer's relatives. As of 2018, the collection includes more than five hundred exhibits: lifetime publications, photographs and personal belongings of the writer.

Wikipedia: Дом-музей А. И. Герцена (RU), Website

256 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 4: Драматический театр им. Рубена Симонова

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The Ruben Simonov Moscow Drama Theater is a drama theater that operated in Moscow in 1998-2014. It was located on the Arbat, in Kaloshin Lane, opposite the Actor's house.

Wikipedia: Московский драматический театр имени Рубена Симонова (RU)

234 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 5: Vakhtangov Theater

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The State Academic Theater named after Yevgeny Vakhtangov is a drama theater in Moscow. It was founded in 1913 as the Student Drama Studio, headed by Yevgeny Vakhtangov. The official opening date of the 3rd studio of the Moscow Art Theater (MKhAT) is November 13, 1921, on this day the play "The Miracle of St. Anthony" was shown. In 1926, the studio was renamed the Vakhtangov Theater - after the name of its founder and first director. In 1956, the theater was given the status of an academic theater.

Wikipedia: Государственный академический театр имени Е. Вахтангова (RU), Website

329 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 6: Дом Пороховщикова

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The Porokhovshchikov House is a mansion in the center of Moscow, at 36 Starokonyushenny Lane. It was built in 1871-1872 for the Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist A. A. Porokhovshchikov, the owner of the Slavic Bazaar hotel and the restaurant of the same name. The building, built on an ancient wooden foundation, successfully synthesized the techniques of the national architectural tradition. Built of thick logs, decorated with carved architraves, cornices and valances, the mansion combines large volumes and a picturesque appearance. The project of the house in 1873 received a prize at the World Exhibition in Vienna.

Wikipedia: Дом Пороховщикова (RU)

567 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 7: М. А. Шолохову

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A monument to the Soviet writer, public figure, Nobel Prize winner in literature Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov was erected in Moscow on Gogolevsky Boulevard.

Wikipedia: Памятник Шолохову (Москва, Гоголевский бульвар) (RU)

105 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 8: Музей шахмат Российской шахматной федерации

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The Chess Museum of the Russian Chess Federation is the world's first chess museum; Its unique collection reflects the history of world and Russian chess culture. The museum's collection includes about 3000 exhibits, including several hundred chess sets, award cups, paintings, graphics, documents, awards and personal belongings of famous Russian and Soviet chess players. The museum is located in the center of Moscow, in the building of the Central House of Chess Players named after M. M. Botvinnik, at Gogolevsky Boulevard, 14. As of 2019, the exposition is open to the public on weekdays, by appointment with the Russian Chess Federation.

Wikipedia: Музей шахмат (RU), Website

759 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 9: Alexander Shilov Art Gallery

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Alexander Shilov Art Gallery Елизавета Борисовна Донецкая, зав сектором музея Московская государственная картинная галерея А.Шилова / CC BY-SA 4.0

The Alexander Shilov Gallery is an art gallery created in 1997 on the basis of the author's works of the People's Artist of the USSR Alexander Shilov. The main exhibition spaces of the gallery are located in a 19th-century mansion at 3 Znamenka Street, built by architect Yevgraf Tyurin. In 2003, the exhibition halls were expanded: restoration was carried out in the neighboring mansion, as a result of which the house acquired Empire features, and a basement complex connecting the two buildings was erected underground. As of 2019, the complex of buildings of the gallery is a single architectural ensemble, which includes 22 halls with paintings and graphic works. The museum's exposition includes more than 1200 works by Alexander Shilov, donated by the artist to Moscow.

Wikipedia: Галерея Александра Шилова (RU), Website

480 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 10: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky

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Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky

The Monument to Fyodor Dostoevsky is a monument to the classic of Russian literature Fyodor Dostoevsky. It was installed in 1997 in front of the building of the Russian State Library in honor of the 175th anniversary of the writer's birth and the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The authors of the monument are sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov and architects Mikhail Posokhin, Alexander Kochekovsky, Sergey Sharov.

Wikipedia: Памятник Достоевскому (Москва, РГБ) (RU)

426 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 11: Александру I

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The Monument to Empress Alexander I is a bronze sculpture in the center of Moscow in memory of Emperor Alexander I of All Russia by People's Artist of the Russian Federation, sculptor Salavat Shcherbakov and Honored Architect of the Russian Federation Igor Voskresensky. It was opened on November 20, 2014 in the Alexander Garden, not far from the Borovitsky Gate. The first monument to Alexander I in Moscow.

Wikipedia: Памятник Александру I (Москва) (RU)

275 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 12: Vladimir the Great

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The Monument to Vladimir the Great is a 17.5-metre-high monument to Vladimir the Great, located in Borovitskaya Square in central Moscow. It was designed by the designer Salavat Scherbakov on the initiative of the Russian Military Historical Society and the city government. The opening ceremony was held on 4 November 2016.

Wikipedia: Monument to Vladimir the Great (EN)

645 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 13: Tsarina's Golden Chamber

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Tsarina's Golden Chamber

The Tsarina's Golden Chamber is the official reception room of the Russian tsarinas, where they held formal celebrations of Russian monarchs' weddings, meetings with Russian and foreign clergy, and receptions for relatives of the imperial family and for ladies of the court. It is part of the tsar's palace in the Moscow Kremlin. Золотая Царицына Палата is also the name of the building that houses the chamber, this time using Палата in the sense of "palace".

Wikipedia: Tsarina's Golden Chamber (EN)

833 meters / 10 minutes

Sight 14: Ruins Grotto

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Ruins GrottoJorge Láscar from Melbourne, Australia / CC BY 2.0

The Italian Grotto is a memorial and decorative structure in the Alexander Garden at the foot of the Middle Arsenal Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. The grotto was designed by architect Osip Bove in 1821 to commemorate the Moscow destruction of 1812. The building received its name - "Ruins" - due to the fact that the wreckage of buildings destroyed by French troops was used in its construction.

Wikipedia: Итальянский грот (RU)

101 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 15: Romanovsky obelisk

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Romanovsky obelisk

The Alexander Garden Obelisk is an obelisk located within the Alexander Garden, near the walls of Kremlin, in Moscow, Russia. The obelisk was initially designed by S. A. Vlasev and erected on July 10, 1914, at the entrance of the garden. It was created as a celebration of the tercentenary of the House of Romanov. The obelisk was moved closer to the center of the garden in 1966.

Wikipedia: Alexander Garden Obelisk (EN)

425 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 16: Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812

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The Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812 is a museum in Moscow dedicated to the events of the Patriotic War of 1812. It is located in a specially built pavilion in the courtyard of the former City Duma building. It is a branch of the State Historical Museum. The opening took place in 2012 - to the 200th anniversary of the war with France. As of 2018, the exposition includes more than 2000 items: medals and orders, authentic weapons, archival documents and works of art.

Wikipedia: Музей Отечественной войны 1812 года (RU), Website

535 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 17: Monastery of the Epiphany

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The Epiphany Monastery is the oldest male monastery in Moscow, situated in the Kitai gorod, just one block away from the Moscow Kremlin.

Wikipedia: Epiphany Monastery (EN)

146 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 18: Иоанникию и Софронию Лихудам

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Иоанникию и Софронию Лихудам

The Likhud Brothers were two Greek monks from Cephalonia who founded and managed the Slavic Greek Latin Academy in Moscow between 1685 and 1694. Their names were Ioannikios Leichoudes or Ioannikii Likhud and Sophronios Leichoudes or Sofronii Likhud.

Wikipedia: Likhud Brothers (EN)

567 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 19: Monument to Minin and Pozharsky

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The Monument to Minin and Pozharsky is a bronze statue designed by Ivan Martos and located on the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, in front of Saint Basil's Cathedral. The statue commemorates two Russian national heroes Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin, who in 1612 organized a popular uprising that ultimately led to the end of the Polish occupation of Moscow during Polish intervention in Russia, thus putting an end to the Time of Troubles.

Wikipedia: Monument to Minin and Pozharsky (EN)

517 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 20: Cathedral of Our Lady of The Omen

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The Znamensky Cathedral is an Orthodox church in Kitay-Gorod in Moscow, the former cathedral of the Znamensky Monastery. It belongs to the Iveron Deanery of the Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Wikipedia: Знаменский собор (Москва) (RU)

122 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 21: Знаменский монастырь

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The Znamensky Monastery in the Old Tsar's Court is a former monastery in Moscow. It was founded in 1629-1631. It was consecrated in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign". After 1923, the monastery was closed. The monastery cathedral has survived to this day. The buildings of the monastery are located at 8-10 Varvarka Street.

Wikipedia: Знаменский монастырь (Москва) (RU)

8 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 22: Chambers of The Romanov Boyars

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The Romanov Boyars is a museum of the Moscow boyars of the XVI-XVII centuries, is a branch of the State Historical Museum. The only surviving building of the large estate of the Romanov boyars.

Wikipedia: Палаты Романовых (RU), Website

513 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 23: Cyril and Methodius

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The Monument to Cyril and Methodius is a monument to the brothers Cyril and Methodius in Moscow, located on Lubyansky Proyezd, near the Kitay-Gorod metro station.

Wikipedia: Памятник Кириллу и Мефодию (Москва) (RU)

439 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 24: Moscow Choral Synagogue

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The Moscow Choral Synagogue is one of the main synagogues in Russia and in the former Soviet Union. It is located in central Basmanny District at 10 Bolshoy Spasogolinischevsky Lane, close to Kitai-Gorod Metro station. Chief Rabbi Adolf Shayevich is its spiritual head.

Wikipedia: Moscow Choral Synagogue (EN)

380 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 25: Osip Mandelshtam

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Osip Mandelshtam скульпторы Дмитрий Шаховской и Елена Мунц, архитектор Александр Бродский, фотограф Andreykor / CC BY-SA 3.0

The monument to Osip Mandelstam is a sculptural image of the poet Osip Emilievich Mandelstam (1891-1938). The monument was erected on November 28, 2008 in Moscow in the square between house 5 on Zabelin Street and house 10 on Starosadsky Lane. The authors of the monument are sculptors Dmitry Shakhovskoy, Elena Munts and architect Alexander Brodsky.

Wikipedia: Памятник Осипу Мандельштаму (Москва) (RU)

432 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 26: Палаты Шуйских

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Палаты Шуйских Николай Аввакумов / CC BY 3.0

The Shuisky Palaces are an example of residential development in the White City, an Object of Cultural Heritage of Federal Significance in Moscow. At the end of the XVI century, the property presumably belonged to the Shuiskys - hence their common name, but the so-called "Shuisky court" belonged to Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Baryatinsky.

Wikipedia: Палаты Шуйских (RU)

901 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 27: Палаты Сверчковых

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The Sverchkov Chambers are a monument of pre-Petrine secular architecture in Moscow.

Wikipedia: Палаты Сверчкова (RU)

582 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 28: Nikolay Chernyshevsky

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The monument to Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky was erected in 1988 in Moscow in the square near Pokrovsky Vorota Square. The authors of the monument are the sculptor Y. G. Neroda and the architect V. A. Peterburzhtsev. It is included in the list of identified urban monuments subject to registration and protection and in need of priority maintenance in an exposition form.

Wikipedia: Памятник Чернышевскому (Москва) (RU)

1837 meters / 22 minutes

Sight 29: Razumovsky house

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Razumovsky City Estate is an estate and park in the Basmanny District of Moscow. At the estate on the bank of the Yauza there is a park with an area of about 40 hectares. In Soviet times, sports grounds were arranged on the territory of the park. The nearest metro stations are Kurskaya and Baumanskaya.

Wikipedia: Городская усадьба Разумовского (RU)

329 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 30: Soprichastnost'

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The Moscow State Drama Theater "Participation" is a Moscow drama theater. The founder and artistic director is actor and director Igor Sirenko (1990-2021).

Wikipedia: Сопричастность (театр) (RU), Website


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