10 Sights in Bitola, North Macedonia (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Bitola, North Macedonia! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Bitola. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Bitola

1. Roman Theater of Heraclea Lyncestis

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Heraclea Lyncestis, also transliterated Herakleia Lynkestis, was an ancient Greek city in Macedon, ruled later by the Romans. Its ruins are situated 2 km (1.2 mi) south of the present-day town of Bitola, North Macedonia. In the early Christian period, Heraclea was an important Episcopal seat and a waypoint on the Via Egnatia that once linked Byzantium with Rome through the Adriatic seaport of Dyrrachium. Some of its bishops are mentioned in synods in Serdica and other nearby towns. The city was gradually abandoned in the 6th century AD following an earthquake and Slavic invasions.

Wikipedia: Heraclea Lyncestis (EN)

2. Clock Tower

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The Clock Tower of Bitola, known as Saat Kula, is a clock tower and one of the landmarks of the Macedonian city of Bitola. The clock tower in Bitola is a very practical monument aiding people with the time of day.

Wikipedia: Clock Tower (Bitola) (EN)

3. Isak Mosque

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The Ishak Çelebi Mosque is the largest mosque in Bitola, North Macedonia. It is situated along the north bank of the Dragor River. This area was known as Bit-Pazar in the quarter of Emir Bey or Eyne Bey, also known as Ishak Çelebi mahalle.

Wikipedia: Ishak Çelebi Mosque (EN)

4. Џамија Ајдар Кади

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The Gazi Hajdar Kadi Mosque, is a mosque, situated in Bitola, North Macedonia. In the past the religious building has been transformed into a warehouse by the local Macedonian authorities. A thorough reconstruction was undergoing for several years with the assistance and cooperation of the Turkish Republic, and finally it was fully put into service and opened to public in November 2016.

Wikipedia: Gazi Hajdar Kadi Mosque (EN)

5. Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

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The Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebastia is a church located on Krkardaš in Bitola Smilevski Bair. It was built 150 years ago on the site of the former monastery of St. Athanasius. When the Turkish army conquered Monastir, the monks of the monastery put up a fierce resistance, fighting in such a way that they carried a cross in one hand and a sword in the other. In honor of these 40 monks, the monastery of St. Nicholas was erected. 40 martyrs." The glory of this church is on the first day of spring. In the vicinity of the monastery is the Todor Angelevski Secondary School - Bitola, Bitola's Bair, as well as the old intercity road Prilep - Ohrid via Bitola.

Wikipedia: Црква „Св. 40 Севастиски маченици“ - Битола (MK)

6. St Archangel Gabriel

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St. Archangel Gabriel is a church located in the Dovledžik neighborhood near the Faculty of Pedagogy, at the exit from Bitola, and on the road leading to Pelister National Park. In the past, many people used to gather in this church, but it wasn't until some time ago that the church was refurbished and reopened during the Christmas holidays.

Wikipedia: Црква „Св. Архангел Гаврил“ - Битола (MK)

7. Holy Mother

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The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is a Macedonian Orthodox church of the Prespa-Pelagona Diocese in Bitola, North Macedonia. The church was built in 1870 and consecrated in 1876 by the Bulgarian Exarchist community and has icons dating from the 19th century. Among the church's icons is a čudotvorna ("miraculous") icon of the Virgin Mary that had been stolen from the church in the 1970s and returned in 2017.

Wikipedia: Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Bitola (EN)

8. St. Demetrius of Salonica

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The Church of Saint Demetrius is the main Macedonian Orthodox church of Bitola, North Macedonia, part of the Prespa-Pelagonia Diocese. It was built in 1830 and its most remarkable feature is considered to be its wood-carved iconostasis. The church bell tower was built in 1936. Saint Demetrius is listed as an Object of Cultural Heritage by the Ministry of Culture.

Wikipedia: Church of Saint Demetrius, Bitola (EN)

9. St. Domenica

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The Church of Saint Nedela is a Macedonian Orthodox church in Bitola, North Macedonia. It was completed in October 1863. The icons of the Apostles in the church were done by the artist Solomon Nikolov.

Wikipedia: Church of Saint Nedela (EN)

10. F-86D

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The North American F-86 Sabre, sometimes called the Sabrejet, is a transonic jet fighter aircraft. Produced by North American Aviation, the Sabre is best known as the United States' first swept-wing fighter that could counter the swept-wing Soviet MiG-15 in high-speed dogfights in the skies of the Korean War (1950–1953), fighting some of the earliest jet-to-jet battles in history. Considered one of the best and most important fighter aircraft in that war, the F-86 is also rated highly in comparison with fighters of other eras. Although it was developed in the late 1940s and was outdated by the end of the 1950s, the Sabre proved versatile and adaptable and continued as a front-line fighter in numerous air forces.

Wikipedia: F-86 (EN)


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