47 Sights in Katowice, Poland (with Map and Images)


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Welcome to your journey through the most beautiful sights in Katowice, Poland! Whether you want to discover the city's historical treasures or experience its modern highlights, you'll find everything your heart desires here. Be inspired by our selection and plan your unforgettable adventure in Katowice. Dive into the diversity of this fascinating city and discover everything it has to offer.

Sightseeing Tours in Katowice

1. Museum of Katowice History

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Museum of Katowice History

The Museum of the History of Katowice – a local government cultural institution, whose tasks include documenting the past of Katowice and disseminating the historical, artistic and aesthetic values of the city as part of the Upper Silesian, Polish and European heritage.

Wikipedia: Muzeum Historii Katowic (PL), Website

2. Spodek

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Spodek is a multipurpose arena complex in Katowice, Poland, opened on 9 May 1971. Aside from the main dome, the complex includes a gym, an ice rink, a hotel and three large car parks. It was the largest indoor venue of its kind in Poland until it was surpassed by Tauron Arena in 2014.

Wikipedia: Spodek (EN), Website

3. Katowicki Ośrodek Zen Szkoły Kwan Um

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The Kwan Um School of Zen (관음선종회,觀音禪宗會) (KUSZ) is an international school of zen centers and groups founded in 1983 by Zen Master Seung Sahn. The school's international head temple is located at the Providence Zen Center in Cumberland, Rhode Island, which was founded in 1972 shortly after Seung Sahn first came to the United States. The Kwan Um style of Buddhist practice combines ritual common both to Korean Buddhism as well as Rinzai school of Zen, and their morning and evening services include elements of Huayan and Pure Land Buddhism. While the Kwan Um Zen School comes under the banner of the Jogye Order of Korean Seon, the school has been adapted by Seung Sahn to the needs of Westerners. According to James Ishmael Ford, the Kwan Um School of Zen is the largest Zen school in the Western world.

Wikipedia: Kwan Um School of Zen (EN)

4. Plac Wolności

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Plac Wolności in Katowice – a city square located in the Śródmieście district of Katowice. The following streets radiate out of it: 3 Maja running towards the Market Square, Sokolska leading towards Koszutka and Bogucice, Gliwicka running towards Załęż and further – Chorzów, as well as short Jana Matejko and Sądowa streets. The square has recreational functions, is the starting point of manifestations, and is also an important transport hub, both for buses and trams.

Wikipedia: Plac Wolności w Katowicach (PL)

5. Old Timers Garage

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Old Timers Garage - a theater and music club located in Katowice. Old Timers Garage is located in the historic, restored rooms of the Piast cinema. This is one of the most dynamically operating independent cultural units in the region. Since November 2009, over 600 cultural events took place in the club. The well -known stars of the Polish and foreign music scene performed on his stage.

Wikipedia: Old Timers Garage (PL), Website

6. Cmentarz rzymskokatolicki

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Catholic cemetery at ul. French in Katowice - a necropolis founded in 1870 in connection with the construction of the church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. This is one of the oldest and most valuable in terms of historical necropolis in Katowice. It borders with the Evangelical cemetery located on the same street.

Wikipedia: Cmentarz przy ul. Francuskiej w Katowicach (PL)

7. Pałac w Załężu

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The Palace in Załęż is a neoclassical palace located at 159 Gliwicka Street in Katowice, in the Załęże district. In the past, it was a part of the manor complex. The palace was built between 1886 and 1887 and originally housed the regional management of the Georg von Giesches Erben company. In the interwar years, it was the seat of the Giesche company, and now a private hospital.

Wikipedia: Pałac w Załężu (PL)

8. Plac Grunwaldzki

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Plac GrunwaldzkiLestat (Jan Mehlich) / CC BY-SA 3.0

Grunwaldzki Square in Katowice is a square located in the Katowice district of Koszutka, in the northern part of the city. It is located between Sokolska Street, Gustawa Morcinka Street and Władysława Broniewskiego Street.

Wikipedia: Plac Grunwaldzki w Katowicach (PL)

9. Kościół świętego Józefa

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St. Joseph's Church in Katowice-Załęż – a Roman Catholic parish church of St. Joseph's parish, located at 76 Gliwicka Street in Katowice, in the Załęże district. It was built in the years 1898–1900 as a votive church after the mining disaster in the Cleophas mine on March 4, 1896. The church was consecrated on November 8, 1900, and consecrated on April 29, 1902. The author of the neo-Gothic church is Ludwig Schneider.

Wikipedia: Kościół św. Józefa w Katowicach (PL), Website

10. Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej BWA

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Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej BWALestat (Jan Mehlich) / CC BY-SA 3.0

The BWA Gallery of Contemporary Art in Katowice – a contemporary art gallery established in Katowice in August 1949, then as a branch of the Central Bureau of Art Exhibitions. It is located at 6 Wojciecha Korfantego Avenue. Exhibition opening hours: except Mondays; daily 10.00 - 18.00.

Wikipedia: Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej BWA w Katowicach (PL), Website, Facebook

11. Budynek Łaźni Miejskiej

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The Municipal Bathhouse building in Katowice – a public utility building at 5 Adama Mickiewicza Street in Katowice, erected in the years 1894–1895 in the eclectic style, rebuilt in 1911 and in the years 1996–1997, entered into the register of immovable monuments of the Silesian Voivodeship.

Wikipedia: Budynek Łaźni Miejskiej w Katowicach (PL)

12. Pomnik Harcerzy Września - Obrońców Katowic

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The Monument to the Scouts of September – unveiled on September 4, 1983, a monument commemorating the martyrdom of Silesian scouts who in September 1939 resisted German soldiers and militants entering Katowice. The monument also commemorates scouts who died or were murdered in the later period of the German occupation.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Harcerzy Września w Katowicach (PL)

13. Dom Oświatowy

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Dom OświatowyLestat (Jan Mehlich) / CC BY-SA 3.0

Educational House – Silesian Library – a building in Katowice, located in the city center at 12 Francuska Street. One of the examples of modernist architecture in Upper Silesia. Its designers were architects Stanisław Tabeński and Józef Rybicki. The building was designed in 1928 in the functionalist style, and it was completed in 1934.

Wikipedia: Dom Oświatowy – Biblioteka Śląska (PL)

14. Plac Rady Europy

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Council of Europe Square in Katowice is a city square located in Katowice, in the Paderewskiego-Muchowiec district. To the east of the square there is the I. Paderewski housing estate. It is located at the junction of Graniczna, Powstańców, Księdza Konstantego Damrota and Przemysłowa Streets. From the north, there are outlets of short St. Hyacinth and Prosta streets.

Wikipedia: Plac Rady Europy w Katowicach (PL)

15. plac ks. kard. Augusta Hlonda

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Cardinal August Hlond Square in Katowice – a square located in the Śródmieście district of Katowice, in the city center. It is located between the following streets: Mikołowska, Henryka Jordana, Głowackiego and J. Poniatowskiego.

Wikipedia: Plac Augusta Hlonda w Katowicach (PL)

16. Pomnik Józefa Piłsudskiego

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Monument to Marshal Józef Piłsudski – unveiled in 1993, a monument to Józef Piłsudski located on Bolesław Chrobry Square, in front of the pediment of the building of the Silesian Voivodeship Office in Katowice. The monument was placed with its back to the building of the former Provincial Council of Trade Unions.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Józefa Piłsudskiego w Katowicach (PL)

17. Jan Paweł II

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Jan Paweł II

The Monument of Pope John Paul II is a monument in Katowice, located in the north-west corner of the Cathedral Square in Katowice. On the opposite side of Powstańców Street there is the John Paul II Square.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Papieża Jana Pawła II w Katowicach (PL)

18. Izba Śląska

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The Chamber of Silesia is a museum in Katowice, in the Giszowiec district at 3-3a Pod Lipami Square, presenting exhibits related to the culture and art of Upper Silesia, as well as paintings and memorabilia of the painter Ewald Gawlik. This seat is a branch of the Municipal Cultural Center "Szopienice-Giszowiec" in Katowice.

Wikipedia: Izba Śląska (PL)

19. Giszowiec

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Giszowiec is an eastern district of the city of Katowice, created as a coal miners' settlement in 1907. Initially consisting of about 3,300 miners and their families, the district's population have grown over the years to over 18,000. Although Giszowiec's architectural originality suffered major damages in the 1970s and 1980s due to large scale urbanization, its early unique character can be still felt in the surviving miners' housings, the marketplace, numerous individual buildings and structures, as well as the relatively well preserved general design of a "Garden city".

Wikipedia: Giszowiec (EN), Website

20. Wieża spadochronowa

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Wieża spadochronowaLestat (Jan Mehlich) / CC BY-SA 3.0

Parachute Tower in Katowice is a 35-metre tall lattice parachute tower built in 1937 for training parachute jumps. It was used in the first days of World War II by Germany's 73rd Infantry Division as an observation tower.

Wikipedia: Parachute Tower in Katowice (EN)

21. Park Giszowiecki

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Giszowiecki Park in Katowice – a city park located in Katowice, in the central part of the Giszowiec district, located in the area of Pod Lipami Square and Gościnna, Wesołowska and Działkowa streets, with an area of 3.378 ha. It was built along with the construction of the Giszowiec patronage estate in the years 1907–1910 according to the design of Emil and Georg Zillmann, and the current name was established on October 25, 2010.

Wikipedia: Park Giszowiecki w Katowicach (PL)

22. Wojciech Korfanty

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The Monument of Wojciech Korfanty in Katowice – a monument commemorating Wojciech Korfanty located on the square of the Silesian Parliament, between the Silesian Voivodeship Office and the Faculty of Philology of the University of Silesia in Katowice, unveiled on 19 June 1999.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Wojciecha Korfantego w Katowicach (PL)

23. Jerzy Ziętek

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The Monument to General Jerzy Ziętek is a monument in Katowice-Śródmieście, unveiled on 19 November 2005, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the death of the former Voivode General Jerzy Ziętek (Jorg), located at the Katowice roundabout named after him.

Wikipedia: Pomnik generała Jerzego Ziętka w Katowicach (PL)

24. Pomnik Powstańców Śląskich

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Pomnik Powstańców ŚląskichLestat (Jan Mehlich) / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Silesian Insurgents' Monument in Katowice, southern Poland, is a monument to those who took part in the three Silesian Uprisings of 1919, 1920 and 1921, which aimed to make the region of Upper Silesia part of the newly independent Polish state. The monument was unveiled on 1 September 1967, and was designed by sculptor Gustaw Zemła and architect Wojciech Zabłocki. The wings symbolize the three uprisings, and the names of places where battles were fought are etched on the vertical slopes. The monument was funded by the people of Warsaw for Upper Silesia.

Wikipedia: Monument of Silesian Insurgents (EN)

25. Evangelical Cemetery

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The Evangelical cemetery at Francuska Street in Katowice is a necropolis at Francuska Street in Katowice, owned by the Evangelical-Augsburg parish in Katowice. It stretches between the streets: Francuska, Powstańców Śląskich and Konstantego Damrota, bordering the Catholic cemetery. In February 1993, it was entered into the register of monuments.

Wikipedia: Cmentarz ewangelicki przy ul. Francuskiej w Katowicach (PL)

26. Plac Wincentego Wajdy

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Wincenty Wajda Square in Katowice is a square located in the Bogucice district of Katowice, between Wincenty Wajdy Street and Katowicka Street. It is the former market square of the village of Bogucice.

Wikipedia: Plac Wincentego Wajdy w Katowicach (PL)

27. Skwer Walentego Fojkisa

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Walenty Fojkis Square in Katowice – a tree-lined square, located in the Wełnowiec-Józefowiec district of Katowice between Gnieźnieńska Street, Modelarska Street, M. Karłowicza Street and Wojciech Korfantego Avenue.

Wikipedia: Skwer Walentego Fojkisa w Katowicach (PL)

28. Narodowa Orkiestra Symfoniczna Polskiego Radia

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The seat of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice is a building located at 1 W. Kilara Square in Katowice, in the Bogucice district. This building is the seat of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice and is one of the buildings of the Katowice Culture Zone, which also consists of the International Congress Centre in Katowice and the Silesian Museum in Katowice.

Wikipedia: Siedziba Narodowej Orkiestry Symfonicznej Polskiego Radia w Katowicach (PL), Website

29. Kościół świętego Szczepana

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The Kościół św. Szczepana or Saint Stephen's Church is a church in Katowice, Silesian Voivodship, Poland. It is dedicated to Saint Stephen and located at 50°16′9″N 19°2′17″E on Leopold Markiefki street.

Wikipedia: St. Stephen's Church, Katowice (EN)

30. Archikatedra pw. Chrystusa Króla w Katowicach

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Archikatedra Chrystusa Króla w Katowicach is a classicist and modernist archcathedral in Katowice-Śródmieście, Katowice, Poland. Constructed between 1927 and 1955, the Archcathedral of Christ the King is the largest archcathedral and cathedral in Poland, 120,000 metres cubed large.

Wikipedia: Cathedral of Christ the King, Katowice (EN), Website

31. Silesian Freedom And Solidarity Centre

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Museum – Memorial Chamber of the Wujek Mine in Katowice – a museum located in Katowice, on the premises of the "Wujek" Coal Mine in the Brynów district. Dedicated to the memory of the pacification of the mine, which took place on December 16, 1981, after the introduction of martial law.

Wikipedia: Muzeum – Izba Pamięci Kopalni Wujek w Katowicach (PL), Website

32. Kościół pw. św. Anny

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St. Anne's Church is a Roman Catholic parish church of St. Anne's Parish in Katowice, Poland. It is located in the Janów-Nikiszowiec district, in the central part of the historic Nikiszowiec housing estate, at Wyzwolenia Square. The neo-baroque church was consecrated on October 23, 1927, and the architects of the temple are Emil and Georg Zillmann.

Wikipedia: Kościół św. Anny w Katowicach (PL), Website

33. Pomnik Józefa Wieczorka

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The Józef Wieczorek Monument in Katowice – a monument commemorating the miner of the "Giesche" mine – Józef Wieczorek, located at Zofii Nałkowska Street in the Janów-Nikiszowiec district, opposite the Emil and Georg Zillmann Square.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Józefa Wieczorka w Katowicach (PL)

34. Pomnik Powstańców Śląskich w Nikiszowcu

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Pomnik Powstańców Śląskich w Nikiszowcu

The Monument to the Silesian Insurgents in Katowice-Nikiszowiec – a monument commemorating the Silesian insurgents, located on the square at Zamkowa Street in Katowice, in the Janów-Nikiszowiec district.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Powstańców Śląskich w Nikiszowcu (PL)

35. Kościół pw. św. Jadwigi Śląskiej w Katowicach-Szopienicach

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The church of Saint Jadwiga Śląska in Katowice-Szopienice-a historic church in Katowice, located in the Szopienice-Burowiec district, at Plac Powstańców Śląskich 3. The temple building was built in 1885–1887 in the neo-Gothic style, while its designer was Carl Gustav Grundmann, and the neighboring Ludwik Schneider designed in 1903.

Wikipedia: Kościół św. Jadwigi Śląskiej w Katowicach-Szopienicach (PL), Website

36. Kościół pw. Świętego Stanisława Kostki

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The Church of St. Stanislaus Kostka in Katowice is a Roman Catholic parish church of the parish of St. Stanislaus Kostka located in Katowice, in the district of Giszowiec, at Górniczego Stanu Street, consecrated on May 17, 1948. The architect of the temple was Jerzy Krug, while the current interior décor was designed by Helena Szuster. The church is a brick building, and the church building is adjacent to a belfry equipped with two bells. Inside the church, on the side and back, there is a choir, while the ceiling of the church is coffered.

Wikipedia: Kościół św. Stanisława Kostki w Katowicach (PL), Website

37. Kaplica pw. Świętego Dobrego Łotra

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The Chapel of the Good Thief in Katowice – a historic, Roman Catholic cemetery chapel in the cemetery of the Transfiguration parish, located at 32 Gliwicka Street in Katowice, in the Załęże district, right on the border with the city center, on the so-called Załęskie Przedmieście.

Wikipedia: Kaplica Dobrego Łotra w Katowicach (PL)

38. Żyrafa

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The Giraffe Sculpture in the Silesian Park – one of the most famous and recognizable objects in the Silesian Park. The image of a giraffe on three legs is one of many outdoor sculptures in the Silesian Park, and at the same time a symbol of the park. The giraffe is located at one of the main entrances to the Silesian Park, next to the bus and tram stop "Park Śląski Ogród Zoologiczny". The sculpture became an inspiration to name the avenue leading to the Silesian Zoological Garden.

Wikipedia: Rzeźba Żyrafy w Parku Śląskim (PL)

39. Ławeczka Stanisława Ligonia

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Stanisław Ligoń's bench is located in Katowice in front of the building where the Katowice Polish Radio station has been operating since August 1937. The bench-monument was unveiled on 19 October 2012 during the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the radio station in the building at 29 Juliusza Ligonia Street.

Wikipedia: Ławeczka Stanisława Ligonia w Katowicach (PL)

40. Kościół pw. Świętego Józefa Robotnika

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The Church of St. Joseph the Worker in Katowice-Józefowiec is a Roman Catholic parish church of the parish of St. Joseph the Worker located in Katowice, in the district of Wełnowiec-Józefowiec, at the intersection of Józefowska and Prof. J. Mikusińskiego Streets. The church was built in the neo-baroque style in the years 1935–1939. The designer of the temple is Jan Kapłoka from Katowice.

Wikipedia: Kościół św. Józefa Robotnika w Katowicach (PL), Website

41. Pomnik Henryka Sławika i Józsefa Antalla

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The Monument to Henryk Sławik and József Antall Sr. in Katowice is a monument located in Katowice, located on the square in front of the International Congress Centre. It is dedicated to Henryk Sławik and József Antall senior – heroes of World War II, thanks to whom at least 5 thousand Polish Jews were saved.

Wikipedia: Pomnik Henryka Sławika i Józsefa Antalla seniora w Katowicach (PL)

42. Kościół pw. Świętych Męczenników Jana i Pawła

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The Church of Saints John and Paul the Martyrs is a Roman Catholic parish church belonging to the Katowice-Załęże deanery of the Archdiocese of Katowice. It is located in the Dąb district of Katowice.

Wikipedia: Kościół św. Jana i Pawła Męczenników w Katowicach (PL), Website

43. Lech Coaster

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Lech Coaster is a steel roller coaster located at Legendia in Chorzów, Poland. It was the first Bermuda Blitz coaster by Dutch manufacturer Vekoma and opened on July 1, 2017. The ride stands 40 metres (130 ft) tall, has a maximum speed of 95 kilometres per hour (59 mph), and has a track length of 908 metres (2,979 ft). The ride also features three inversions.

Wikipedia: Lech Coaster (EN)

44. Kościół pw. Podwyższenia Krzyża i Świętego Herberta

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The Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and St. Herbert in Katowice is a Roman Catholic parish church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and St. Herbert at Barlickiego Street in the Witosa district of Katowice.

Wikipedia: Kościół Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego i św. Herberta w Katowicach (PL), Website

45. Kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny

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The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Katowice is a Roman Catholic parish church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Graniczna Street in the Katowice district of Osiedle Paderewskiego-Muchowiec.

Wikipedia: Kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Katowicach (PL), Website

46. Kapliczka Matki Boskiej

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The Chapel of Our Lady in Katowice-Dębie – a historic, neo-Gothic chapel of a cottage type, located at the corner of Dębowa and Źródlana streets in Katowice, in the Dąb district. It was founded in 1893 by Antoni and Józefa Kracel. It is located in the Roman Catholic parish of St. John and Paul the Martyrs.

Wikipedia: Kaplica Matki Bożej w Katowicach-Dębie (PL)

47. Kościół Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego i Matki Bożej Uzdrowienia Chorych

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The Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and Our Lady of Healing of the Sick in Katowice is a Roman Catholic parish church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and Our Lady of Healing of the Sick at Mieszka I Street in Katowice's Osiedle Tysiąclecia.

Wikipedia: Kościół Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego i Matki Bożej Uzdrowienia Chorych w Katowicach (PL)


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