Self-guided Sightseeing Tour #13 in Belgrade, Serbia


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Tour Facts

Number of sights 30 sights
Distance 11.4 km
Ascend 264 m
Descend 299 m

Experience Belgrade in Serbia in a whole new way with our self-guided sightseeing tour. This site not only offers you practical information and insider tips, but also a rich variety of activities and sights you shouldn't miss. Whether you love art and culture, want to explore historical sites or simply want to experience the vibrant atmosphere of a lively city - you'll find everything you need for your personal adventure here.

Activities in BelgradeIndividual Sights in Belgrade

Sight 1: Кућа Поповића

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The Popovic House is located in Belgrade, on the territory of the city municipality of Vračar. It was built in 1928 and represents an immovable cultural property as a cultural monument. The house was built according to the project of civil engineer Dragoljub A. Popovic for the family of Duke Vuk Vojin Popovic and his brother Gligorije, a member of the Belgrade City Administration.

Wikipedia: Кућа Поповића (SR), Heritage Website

887 meters / 11 minutes

Sight 2: Биста војводе Петра Бојовића

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Биста војводе Петра Бојовића

The memorial bust of Duke Petar Bojović is a monument in Belgrade built of bronze, and is located in the municipality of Vračar.

Wikipedia: Спомен-биста војводи Петру Бојовићу у Београду (SR)

129 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 3: Кућа Михаила Поповића

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The house of Mihailo Popovic is located in Belgrade, on the territory of the municipality of Vračar. It was built in 1905 and represents an immovable cultural property as a cultural monument.

Wikipedia: Кућа Михаила Поповића (SR), Heritage Website

479 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 4: Биста Наде Пурић

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Биста Наде Пурић

The memorial bust of Nada Purić is a monument in Belgrade. It is located on the corner of 43 Kneginje Zorke Street and Mackenzie Street, in the municipality of Vračar.

Wikipedia: Спомен-биста Нади Пурић у Београду (SR)

390 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 5: Monument to Saint Sava

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The Monument to St. Sava is a monument in Belgrade. It is located on the St. Sava Plateau in front of the Temple of St. Sava, at the entrance from Katanićeva Street in the municipality of Vračar.

Wikipedia: Споменик Светом Сави у Београду (SR)

245 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 6: Saint Sava Cathedral

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The Church of Saint Sava is a Serbian Orthodox church which sits on the Vračar plateau in Belgrade, Serbia. It was planned as the bishopric seat and main cathedral of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The church is dedicated to Saint Sava, the founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church and an important figure in medieval Serbia. It is built on the presumed location of St. Sava's grave. His coffin had been moved from Mileševa Monastery to Belgrade. The coffin was placed on a pyre and burnt in 1595 by Ottoman Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha. Bogdan Nestorović and Aleksandar Deroko were finally chosen to be the architects in 1932 after a second revised competition in 1926–27. This sudden decision instigated an important debate in interwar Yugoslavia which centered around the temple's size, design and symbolic national function. This was accompanied by a sizeable increase in the base area of the ambitiously conceived project. The new design departed from the competition guidelines issued in 1926, and was to replicate the dimensions and architecture of Hagia Sophia.

Wikipedia: Church of Saint Sava (EN), Website

157 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 7: Vracar Plateau

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Vračar plateau is a plateau on top of the Vračar Hill in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, with an absolute height of 134 metres above sea level. It is the purported location of the 1594 Burning of Saint Sava's relics by the Ottomans. The dominant position in Belgrade's cityscape made the plateau a natural location for the first meteorological observatory in Serbia, Belgrade Meteorological Station, built in 1891. The most distinctive feature of the plateau today is a massive Church of Saint Sava, visible from almost all approaches to the city, and one of the Belgrade's main landmarks. The plateau also houses Karađorđe's Park, Park Milutin Milanković, monument of Karađorđe Petrović and National Library of Serbia.

Wikipedia: Vračar plateau (EN)

49 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 8: Monument to Nikola Tesla

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The monument Nikola Tesla is a monument in Belgrade. It is located in Karadjordj's Park in the Municipality of Vračar.

Wikipedia: Споменик Николи Тесли на Врачару (SR)

172 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 9: National Library of Serbia

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The National Library of Serbia is the national library of Serbia, located in the capital city of Belgrade. It is the biggest library, and oldest institution in Serbia, one that was completely destroyed many times over in the last two centuries.

Wikipedia: National Library of Serbia (EN), Website, Heritage Website

208 meters / 2 minutes

Sight 10: Споменик Карађорђу

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Karađorđe Monument is either of two monuments in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. The older one was built in 1913 in the Greater Kalemegdan section of the Belgrade Fortress and demolished by the occupying Austro-Hungarian forces in 1916 during World War I. The present monument was dedicated in 1979 on the Vračar plateau.

Wikipedia: Karađorđe Monument, Belgrade (EN), Heritage Website

253 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 11: Кућа Ђорђа Јовановића

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The Sculptor Đorđe Jovanović's House is at 6 Skerlićeva Street, Belgrade, and has the status of a cultural monument.

Wikipedia: Đorđe Jovanović House (EN), Heritage Website

472 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 12: Кућа Момира Коруновића

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The house of architect Momir Korunović is located in Belgrade, on the territory of the municipality of Vračar. It was built in 1924 and represents an immovable cultural property as a cultural monument. The house was built by architect Momir Korunović, for his own needs and according to his project as a single-storey family house with an attic. It is modeled on Central European family houses with a garden and a decoratively processed fence. On the spacious facades, original details of architectural plastic were applied, composed of combinations of circles and triangles placed around arched openings. The asymmetry in the façade design, achieved by the contrast of sloping roof shapes and vertical window openings, indicates a modernist approach to the façade design.

Wikipedia: Кућа архитекте Момира Коруновића (SR), Heritage Website

227 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 13: Споменик погинулим устаницима 1806. године

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Monument to the Liberators of Belgrade in Karađorđe's Park is an authentic historical place of the camp of the main insurgent army and of the military cemetery of the liberators of Belgrade under Karađorđe during the Siege of Belgrade in 1806. The monument in the cemetery was erected by Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević in 1848. It is the first monument in Belgrade erected in the honour of a historical event, and at the same time the first public monument.

Wikipedia: Monument and the Cemetery to the Liberators of Belgrade 1806 (EN)

97 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 14: Биста Алфонса де Ламартина

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The memorial bust of Lamartine in Vračar is located in Karadjordjevo Park, and it is the work of the Slovenian sculptor Lojze Dolinar

Wikipedia: Спомен-биста Ламартину на Врачару (SR)

41 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 15: Karadjordje's Park

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Karađorđe's Park is a public park and an urban neighborhood of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. While the park itself is located in Belgrade's municipality of Vračar, majority of what is today considered the neighborhood of Karađorđev Park is since 1957 located in the municipality of Savski Venac.

Wikipedia: Karađorđe's Park (EN)

107 meters / 1 minutes

Sight 16: Споменик трећепозивцима

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The Monument to the Third Call in Belgrade is a monument to soldiers over 45 years of age, third callers, killed in the First World War. It is located in Karadjordje Park, municipality of Vračar, and is the work of sculptor Stamenko Đurđević.

Wikipedia: Споменик трећепозивцима у Београду (SR)

302 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 17: Споменик Милутину Миланковићу

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Споменик Милутину Миланковићу Andrija12345678 / CC BY 4.0

The monument to Milutin Milanković is a monument in Belgrade. It is located in the park of the same name in Zapadni Vračar, between the Boulevard of Liberation, Pasterova and Tiršova streets in the municipality of Savski venac.

Wikipedia: Споменик Милутину Миланковићу у Београду (SR)

243 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 18: Споменик Васи Пелагићу

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Споменик Васи Пелагићу Andrija12345678 / CC BY 4.0

The monument to Vasa Pelagić is located in Belgrade, in Vračar. It represents an immovable cultural property as a cultural monument.

Wikipedia: Споменик Васи Пелагићу (SR), Heritage Website

494 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 19: Дом сироте деце

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The orphan children's home is located in Belgrade, at 72 Svetozara Markovica Street, on the territory of the municipality of Savski Venac. It represents an immovable cultural property as a cultural monument.

Wikipedia: Дом сироте деце (SR), Heritage Website

659 meters / 8 minutes

Sight 20: Биста др Војислава Ј. Суботића

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Биста др Војислава Ј. Суботића Датотеку је првобитно послао Goldfinger на српски / srpski Википедија / CC BY-SA 3.0 rs

The memorial bust of Vojislav Subotić is a monument in Belgrade. It is located in front of the Clinic for Psychiatric Diseases "Dr Laza Lazarevic" in the municipality of Savski Venac.

Wikipedia: Спомен-биста Војислава Суботића у Београду (SR)

1 meters / 0 minutes

Sight 21: Биста др Милана Јовановића Батута

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Биста др Милана Јовановића Батута Датотеку је првобитно послао Goldfinger на српски / srpski Википедија / CC BY-SA 3.0 rs

Memorial bust of Milan Jovanović Batuta is a monument in Belgrade. It is located in the municipality of Savski Venac.

Wikipedia: Спомен-биста Милана Јовановић Батута у Београду (SR)

1393 meters / 17 minutes

Sight 22: Museum of Yugoslavia

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Museum of YugoslaviaJorge Láscar from Melbourne, Australia / CC BY 2.0

The Museum of Yugoslavia is a public history museum in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. It chronicles the period of Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Socialist Yugoslavia as well as the life of Josip Broz Tito. Tito's grave is located in one of the museum buildings.

Wikipedia: Museum of Yugoslavia (EN), Website

752 meters / 9 minutes

Sight 23: Hyde Park

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Hyde Park is a park in suburban Belgrade, Serbia. It is situated in the municipality of Savski Venac, on the northern slopes of Topčider Hill. It consists of two parts: woodland with tracks for running, and another with appliances for fitness and recreation. The park is triangular in shape. Hyde Park was laid out in the 1930s.

Wikipedia: Hyde Park, Belgrade (EN)

479 meters / 6 minutes

Sight 24: Bista vojvode Radomira Putnika

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The memorial bust of Duke Radomir Putnik is a monument in Belgrade. It is located in the Boulevard of Duke Putnik in the municipality of Savski Venac.

Wikipedia: Спомен-биста војводи Радомиру Путнику у Београду (SR)

1111 meters / 13 minutes

Sight 25: Вила глумице Марице Поповић

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The villa of actress Marica Popovic in Belgrade is located in the city municipality of Savski Venac, at 35 Senjska Street in Belgrade. It is included in the Cultural Monument of Serbia.

Wikipedia: Вила глумице Марице Поповић у Београду (SR), Heritage Website

255 meters / 3 minutes

Sight 26: Вила Рајх

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Villa Rajh is located in the municipality of Savski Venac, at 2a Sanja Zivanovic Street in Belgrade. It represents an immovable cultural property as a cultural monument.

Wikipedia: Вила Рајх у Београду (SR), Heritage Website

552 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 27: Кућа Драгољуба Гошића

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The house of Dragoljub Gošić is located in Belgrade, on the territory of the city municipality of Savski Venac. It was built in 1928 and represents an immovable cultural property as a cultural monument.

Wikipedia: Кућа Драгољуба Гошића (SR), Heritage Website

320 meters / 4 minutes

Sight 28: Muzei afričke umetnosti

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The Museum of African Art is a museum located in the urban neighborhood of Senjak, Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia.

Wikipedia: Museum of African Art, Belgrade (EN)

559 meters / 7 minutes

Sight 29: Кућа породице Поповић-Предић

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The house of the Popović-Predić family in Belgrade, at 21 Puškinova Street in Senjak, was built in 1937, in the former summer residence of Belgraders. The Popovic brothers built the house in order to provide themselves with a quiet place to work. It represents an immovable cultural property as a cultural monument.

Wikipedia: Кућа породице Поповић-Предић у Београду (SR), Heritage Website

382 meters / 5 minutes

Sight 30: Кућа Исидоре Секулић

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The house in which Isidora Sekulić spent the last twenty years of his life was built on Topčider hill in years between two installments as a typical family house with a garden.

Wikipedia: Кућа Исидоре Секулић (SR), Heritage Website


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